EBS: Troubleshooting & Configuration Guide for Contact Uploads - Main Page


Contact Upload Resources

The purpose of this knowledge article is to provide a starting point for resolving contact upload related questions and issues. The table below is a comprehensive list of Contact upload related Everbridge knowledge articles to aid in understanding, configuring, and troubleshooting Contact upload issues and questions.

If you are new to Contact uploads, start with knowledge article EBS: Everbridge Contact Sync Overview - Choosing Between File Upload (SFTP) and Individual Contact Sync (API) for Contact Uploads before attempting any Contact uploads.

These knowledge articles have been categorized as follows:

  • VIDEOS - Videos available on Everbridge University YouTube for learning about Contact Uploads.
  • CONTACT UPLOAD ERRORS - These articles address contact upload problems with specific error messages.
  • TROUBLESHOOTING - These articles address contact upload problems that may or may not have an error message associated with them.
  • TOPICS / HOW TO - These articles answer questions on how to perform contact upload-related tasks.
  • QUESTION & ANSWER - These articles answer questions related to contact upload tasks that are not "how to" questions.
  • SFTP - These articles address issues and questions related to loading contacts via SFTP.
  • TRAINING - These articles point to contact upload-related training available in Everbridge University (EBU).


Adding a New Contact Record Type
Adding a Single Contact
Adding Contacts to Groups via Upload
Backing Up Contact or User Data
Creating Groups
Creating Rules
Editing and Updating Contact Information
Formatting a File for Upload
Managing Groups via a FileUpload
Uploading Contacts Overview
Uploading Contacts to Multiple Organizations
Uploading Contacts: Replace
Uploading Contacts: Update


EBS: Troubleshooting Contact Upload Error Messages in Everbridge Suite
EBS: Contact Upload Error Code: 'Additional Information/Attribute name is not defined'
EBS: Contact Upload Error Code: 'Additional information/attribute value is invalid'
EBS: Contact Upload Error Code: 'Column Header Misspelled'
EBS: Contact Upload Error Code: ‘Contact not found for deletion or is already deleted'
EBS: Contact Upload Error Code: ‘Encryption is Turned On but the file is not encrypted or is encrypted incorrectly'
EBS: Contact Upload Error Code: 'Groups column value is improperly formatted'
EBS: Contact Upload Error Code: ‘Organization name is incorrect: Organization Name'
EBS: Contact Upload Error Code: ‘Organization name required for account level upload: Organization Name'
EBS: Contact Upload Error Code: 'Phone column is empty for defined country'
EBS: Contact Upload Error Code: 'Phone number is not formatted correctly for specified country'
EBS: Contact Upload Error Code: 'Record Type is Not Defined'
EBS: Contact Upload Error Code: 'Required Column has NULL value'
EBS: Contact Upload Error Code: 'Required Column Not Found'
EBS: Contact Upload Error Code: 'There are already too many addresses (5) for the contact'
EBS: Contact Upload Error Code: 'Value is Invalid: Postal Code'
EBS: Contact Upload Error Code: 'Your file either contains line breaks or the number of columns does not match the number of headers'


API: A 500 Error Occurs When Contacts Are Added as a JSON Object via the REST API
EBS: Contacts Are Uploading Without Dynamic Locations in Everbridge Suite  
EBS: Contact Upload Emails in MS Outlook Do Not Contain Line Breaks
EBS: Contact Uploads Do Not Start or Notifications Cannot Be Created or Added to or File Attachments Fail in Everbridge Suite
EBS: Downloaded Contact Data And/or Notification Data Is Not Properly Displayed When Imported Into a New Excel File in Everbridge Suite
EBS: Groups Are Removed From Contacts Whenever a CSV File Is Uploaded to Everbridge Suite
EBS: ‘There are no items to display in this table’ Message When Viewing Contact Upload Results in Everbridge Suite
EBS: "Upload to Portal" Button in the Everbridge Manager Portal Fails to Respond When Uploading Contacts Into Everbridge Suite
EBS: When Downloading a Report, Contact, User or Asset List in Everbridge Suite to a CSV File, It Downloads as a TXT File Instead of a CSV File in Everbridge Suite
EBS: When Uploading a Contact Upload File Into Everbridge Suite That Has German Phone Numbers, Sometimes the Country Code (+49) is Duplicated in the Number Itself


API: How to Load a Contact Upload CSV File Into Everbridge Using an Application Programming Interface (API)
EBS: Contact Integration
EBS: Contact Integration Guide
EBS: Contact Integration Testing
EBS: Contact Upload Replace Option in Everbridge Suite
EBS: Contact Upload Update Option in Everbridge Suite
EBS: Contact Upload User Guide
EBS: CSV Template Design Considerations and Formatting Requirements for Contact Uploads in Everbridge Suite
EBS: Event Log Report for Reporting Security and Contact Management Events in Everbridge Suite
EBS: Everbridge Contact Sync Overview - Choosing Between File Upload (SFTP) and Individual Contact Sync (API) for Contact Uploads
EBS: How to Add a Contact in the Everbridge Manager Portal
EBS: How to Add a New Contact Record Type in Everbridge Suite
EBS: How to Add Contacts to Groups via an Upload File in Everbridge Suite
EBS: How to Add Contacts to Multiple Groups Simultaneously in Everbridge Suite
EBS: How to Backup Contact or User Data in Everbridge Suite
EBS: How to Cancel a Contact Upload in Everbridge Suite
EBS: How to Configure Additional Information Fields for Contacts in Everbridge Suite
EBS: How to Create and Upload a CSV File for Loading Contacts Into Everbridge Suite Including Contact Sample Records
EBS: How to Create Groups in Everbridge Suite
EBS: How to Create or Update Rules for Selecting Contacts in Everbridge Suite
EBS: How to Delete Contacts in Everbridge Suite
EBS: How to Delete or Replace the Static Location Data for a Contact When Uploading a CSV File to the Everbridge Manager Portal
EBS: How to Download a CSV Template That Can Be Used for Uploading Contacts Into Everbridge Suite
EBS: How to Ensure Information Is Preserved (Not Deleted or Removed) When Uploading Contacts to Everbridge Suite via a CSV File
EBS: How to Format a File for Contact Uploads in Everbridge Suite
EBS: How to Format the "Arrival Date and Time" for Dynamic Location Uploads in Everbridge Suite
EBS: How to Move Contacts From One Group to Another Group in Everbridge Suite
EBS: How to Preserve Contact Data When Using the Replace Option of a Contact Upload in Everbridge Suite
EBS: How to Remove Contacts Outside the Geo-Fence in Everbridge Suite
EBS: How to Restore Deleted Contacts in Everbridge Suite
EBS: How to Send Notifications or Incidents to Multiple Individuals by Uploading a List of Existing Contact Identifiers via a CSV File
EBS: How to Update Existing Contact Information in Everbridge Suite
EBS: How to Upload a CSV File of Groups and Their Mappings for CMDB Group Lookup in the Everbridge Manager Portal
EBS: How to Upload Contacts From Workday Into an Everbridge Organization
EBS: How to Upload Contacts to Multiple Organizations in Everbridge Suite
EBS: How to Upload Country Names for Contact Records in Everbridge Suite
EBS: How to Upload the Home Locations of Employees (Contacts) Using Only a Postal Code in Everbridge Suite or Visual Command Center (VCC)
EBS: How to Use a Geo-Fence to Control Registering Contacts Outside of an Everbridge Organization’s Jurisdiction
EBS: Managing Groups via a File Upload
EBS: New Contact Upload Error Messages in Everbridge Suite


EBS: Can Contact Dynamic Location Uploads Be Encrypted With PGP or GPG Keys in Everbridge?
EBS: Do All Users Receive an Email When Contacts Are Uploaded to an Organization in Everbridge Suite?
EBS: How Is the Country for a Contact Determined if No Country Code Is Defined in the Contact Upload File and the Dial-in Code Is Shared With Multiple Countries?
EBS: How Long Does the Geocoding Process Take When Uploading Contacts to Everbridge Suite?
EBS: How Many Static Locations Can a Contact Have in Their Record at One Time in Everbridge Suite?
EBS: How to Choose Which Users Receive Email Notifications When Contacts Are Uploaded 
EBS: What Does the Geocoding Information Mean in Everbridge Suite When Contacts Are Uploaded and the Upload Results Are Received via Email?
EBS: What Happens to Geocoded Addresses During a Contact Upload in Everbridge Suite?
EBS: What Is the Character Limit for Apt/Suite/Unit and Suffix in a Contact Upload File?
EBS: When Uploading Contacts or Users to Everbridge Suite via CSV File, What Time Zone Codes Are Accepted in the Time Zone Column?
EBS: Why Would a Deleted Contact’s “Last Modified By” Value Change After the Contact Was Deleted in Everbridge Suite


EBS: SFTP Access Guide & FAQ
EBS: Connecting to Everbridge via SFTP to Upload Contacts Generates the Error ‘server refused our key’
EBS: 'ERROR:> Can’t connect to sftp-us2e.everbridge.net :22. SFTP21 error = #0' Error Uploading Contacts in Everbridge Suite via SFTP
EBS: How Is the Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP) Offered by Everbridge Secured?
EBS: How to Connect to SFTP from Linux in Everbridge Suite
EBS: How to Create a Secure FTP (SFTP) Connection in Everbridge Suite
EBS: How to Download an Organization’s SSH Key for Configuring SFTP to Everbridge Suite
EBS: How to View Errors That Occur When Uploading Contacts With SFTP (Secure File Transfer Protocol) in Everbridge Suite
EBS: Importing an SFTP Key Downloaded From the Manager Portal Into Puttygen Generates the Error “Couldn’t Load Private Key (Unrecognised Key Type)”
EBS: Loading an SFTP Public Key Generates the Error 'The public key is invalid' In Everbridge Suite
EBS: SFTP Contact Uploads of Encrypted Files Consistently Fail After an Everbridge Suite Upgrade
EBS: SFTP Is Asking for a Passphrase When Attempting to Make an SFTP Connection in Everbridge Suite
EBS: Supported File Formats When Uploading Contacts Into Everbridge Suite via SFTP
EBS: Supported Public Key Formats for Connecting to Everbridge Suite via SFTP
EBS: Uploading Contacts via SFTP Generates 'Error:> SSH Session Terminated by Remote Party' in Everbridge Suite
VCC: How to Upload Facility Locations Into Visual Command Center Directly Through the VCC Admin Console or Through SFTP in the Everbridge Suite Manager Portal




Getting Started with Contacts
Digging Deeper with Contacts: File Upload

Short Tutorials

Contact Upload Basics
How to Upload a Contact to Multiple Organizations


Introduction to Contact Management
Managing and Maintaining Contact Data
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