EBS: Deleting Contacts in Everbridge Suite


How to delete Contacts in Everbridge Suite.


Contacts can be deleted in the Manager Portal from the Contacts List or by uploading a CSV file. Follow the sections below for steps on both methods.

Deleting Contacts from the Contacts List

  1. Log in to the Everbridge Manager Portal and select your Organization
  2. Select Contacts + Assets > Contacts > Contact List
  3. Toggle the checkbox next to one more more Contacts to be deleted
  4. Select Delete
  5. In the "Confirm" pop-up, select Yes to Are you sure you want to delete this record?





Deleting Contacts via CSV File Upload

NOTE: When uploading a file to delete contacts, the External ID is the only value required to properly delete Contacts from an Organization.

  1.  Log in to the Everbridge Manager Portal and select your Organization
  2. Select Contacts + Assets > Contacts > Uploads > Upload to portal
  3. Toggle the Delete button
  4. Select Upload to portal
  5. In the "Confirm" pop-up, select Yes to Are you sure you want to upload these contacts?



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