EBS: Updating an Existing Contact's Information in Everbridge Suite


Options for updating existing Contacts' information in Everbridge Suite.


Updating Contact Information can be done in several ways.

Go to manager.everbridge.net

1. Dashboard

Navigate to the last name field.


2. Search Contact

It can be done manually by searching for the Contact in the Manager Portal.

Search Contact

3. Search Contact

Click here

Search Contact

4. Edit Contact

Click the selected button

Edit Contact

5. Add Delivery Method

Choose the "Select..." option.

Add Delivery Method

6. Add Delivery Method

Select the "Primary Email" field.

Add Delivery Method

7. Add Delivery Method

And changing the information there.

Add Delivery Method

8. Add Delivery Method

Click on the asterisk symbol.

Add Delivery Method

9. Add Delivery Method

Save the changes by clicking on "Save".

Add Delivery Method

10. Add Delivery Method

Add Delivery Method

11. Leading Zeros

It can also be done through a File Upload. It is important to ensure that the file with new, or changed contact information is formatted correctly.

Leading Zeros

12. Leading Zeros

This means making sure that any fields which begin with a zero are formatted as either Zip Codes or Phone Numbers.

Leading Zeros

13. Leading Zeros

Leading Zeros

14. Leading Zeros

Leading Zeros

15. Leading Zeros

Leading Zeros

16. Leading Zeros

Leading Zeros

17. Leading Zeros

Leading Zeros

18. Leading Zeros

Leading Zeros

19. Leading Zeros

Leading Zeros

20. Leading Zeros

Leading Zeros

21. Leading Zeros

Click here

Leading Zeros

22. Separate Groups

And that when adding Groups.

Separate Groups

23. Separate Groups

The pipe symbol is used, this symbol separates out multiple group names.

Separate Groups

24. Separate Groups

Information in the Group field will overwrite the information in the Manager Portal.

Separate Groups

25. Maintain Groups

So make sure that if you simply wish to add a new Group to the Groups that the contact is already a part of, use the asterisk and pipe symbol to indicate that.

Maintain Groups

26. Maintain Groups

Click the selected option

Maintain Groups

27. Maintain & Add Groups

Maintain & Add Groups

28. Contact Upload Files can be added via:

files can be added to an organization through an API SFTP or through the manager portal.

Contact Upload Files can be added via:

29. Uploads

From the Manager Portal. This option can be found under Contacts and Assets, and Uploads.


30. Upload to Portal

Once your CSV file is filled out and ready to upload, click the "Upload to Portal" text from the Uploads page.

Upload to Portal

31. Drag File

Follow the prompts to indicate the correct file and choose what you want the system to do with the information.

Drag File

32. File Attached

File Attached

33. Upload Options

Below the selected file, we are provided with four different upload options, each with an explanation of its functionality below it.

Upload Options

34. Update

The Update option only inserts new contact records and updates existing contact records. The Update option will not delete any contacts from your organization.


35. Replace

The Replace option replaces all contact records with the matching record type in your CSV file. This means the Replace option will delete all existing contacts in your organization that do not have a match within your file upload.


36. Restore

The Restore option lets you restore, or add back previously deleted contacts. Be careful when using this option as it will overwrite existing contact records that have the same External ID. Keep in mind, that the Restore option does not update contact information. It only reactivates a deleted record.


37. Delete

Lastly, the Delete option will do just that. It deletes all the contact records that match the records within your CSV file.


38. Upload to Portal

Once a choice is made, the file can be uploaded.

Upload to Portal

39. Upload to Portal

Upload to Portal

40. Review Upload

It's a best practice to make sure that the upload went smoothly and the information was added without issues. This is done by clicking the binoculars by the upload.

Review Upload

41. Upload Result

This brings you to a screen that breaks down all possible outcomes. Upload without error, upload with error, and not uploaded. Click the tab to see which contacts may have had problems and for information on what needs to be corrected.

Upload Result

This guide covered navigating the contact list, entering contact information, and saving changes in Everbridge for efficient employee training on managing contact details.

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