EBS: Troubleshooting Contact Upload Error Messages in Everbridge Suite


Guide to Contact Upload Error Messages in Everbridge Suite.


There are two types of Contact Upload failures:

  1. The file fails to upload: (File Status = Failed)

File Upload Failure

  1. The file uploads (File Status = Done) but there are records not loaded or partially loaded (loaded with error):

Records Fail to Load

When a CSV file containing Contacts is uploaded to Everbridge, the upload file is listed on the Contacts tab under the Uploads sub-tab in the Everbridge Manager Portal. Choose the User-added image icon next to the desired upload file to view the Upload Results page. See the two tables below for explanations of common issues and steps to resolve them.

With the April 2021 release of Everbridge Suite, some of the Contact upload error messages that occur when the file fails to load have been improved. See Knowledge Base Article 000049844 - New Contact Upload Error Messages for a list of the older messages and their new equivalent.

Click on the hyperlinks below for more information on each error.

Error Messages when the Contact Upload File Fails to Load (File Status = Failed)


Troubleshooting Steps

Error Code: Column Header Misspelled

  • Error Description: Your file was not loaded, a required column is missing and/or the delimiter is not supported.
  • Error Message: <Misspelled column heading(s)>

Make sure that the column headings are spelled correctly letter for letter and space for space, and that no new unsupported headers have been added to your contact file.

Error Code: Encryption is Turned On but file is not encrypted or encrypted incorrectly

  • Error Description: Your file was not loaded, a required column is missing and/or the delimiter setting is not supported.
  • Error Message: Encryption is turned on but the file is not encrypted or is encrypted incorrectly

This can occur if file encryption is enabled for your organization but the contact upload file is not encrypted (or is encrypted with the wrong key).

  1. Choose the Settings tab from the upper-left of the page.
  2. From the Organization tab, choose the Contacts and Groups menu.
  3. Choose the Secure FTP menu option.
  4. If you want to continue using File Encryption:
    1. Choose the Download button to download a copy of your Encryption Key. NOTE: Everbridge cannot troubleshoot encryption issues with your third-party encryption tool.
    2. You can also choose the option to Generate a New Key if desired, which will render any upload files using the previous key invalid. Use with caution!
  5. ​If you want to disable File Encryption:

    1. Change the Encryption Status option to Off.

Error Code: Required Column Not Found

Error Message:

  • External ID
  • Record Type
  • First Name
  • Last Name

This error can occur because of one of the three root causes below:

  • Required Column Missing - CSV upload file is missing one or more required columns. The column could also be present but the header is missing or misspelled. 
  • Encrypted File - If an encrypted file is uploaded, but encryption is turned off for the org it will cause a missing column error for all four required columns. 
  • Delimiter Setting- If your file has an error for all four required columns, AND your file was uploaded via SFTP, your organization delimiter setting might not match your file.

Error Message: Organization name required for account level upload: Organization Name

This error means that the Organization Name column header is missing from the contact upload file and the file is being uploaded at the Account level. If you are uploading contacts at the Account level, the file must have an Organization Name column, and and a value in this column for each contact. Acceptable values are the names of the Organizations in your Account. 


If everything in the file appears to be formatted correctly or the contact upload is not listed in the Uploads tab:

  1. Try clearing the cache and cookies in your web browser. Steps on clearing your browser's cache can be found in Knowledge Base Article 000048109 - The Manager Portal Page Is Not Loading Correctly in Everbridge Suite.
  2. Try uploading the CSV Contacts Upload file using a different web browser.

Error Messages when the Contact Upload File Loads (File Status = Done) but has Records Not Loaded - Critical Error


Troubleshooting Steps

Error Code: Required Column has NULL value

  • Contact Record Status: Not loaded - critical error
  • Error Message:
    • Required Column has NULL value: External ID:

Confirm that the four required columns have a value for each one of your contacts in the file:

  1. First Name
  2. Last Name
  3. Record Type
  4. External ID

NOTE: the "END" header and column data are not always required, but should always be included as a best practice.

Error Code: Record Type is Not Defined

  • Contact Record Status: Not loaded - critical error
  • Error Message: Record Type is Not Defined: Record Type: {Record Type name}

This error should only prevent specific contacts from being uploaded where the "Record Type" field contained a value not configured for your org. Check the Not loaded - critical error tab on the Upload Result page to see the list of contacts that had this issue.
If you wish to add a new record type to your organization:

  1. Choose the Settings tab from the top of the page.
  2. From the Organization tab, choose the Contacts and Groups menu.
  3. Choose the Contact Record Types menu option.
  4. Add the desired Record Type, then choose Add to save.

Error Message: Contact not found for deletion or is already deleted

This error occurs when a Delete upload is performed, but the external IDs for the contacts in the CSV do not match the external IDs for the contacts in the organization. When using the Delete upload option, make sure the external IDs in the CSV match those in the organization.

NOTE: External IDs are required for an upload using the delete option to be successful.

Error Message: Organization name is incorrect: Organization Name

This error means that there are one or more contacts with a blank or unacceptable value in the Organization Name column and the contact upload file is being uploaded at the Account level. Each contact must have acceptable value in the Organization Name column when uploading at the Account level. Acceptable values are the names of the Organizations in your Account and this field is case-sensitive.

Error Message: Your file either contains line breaks or the number of columns does not match the number of headers

This error can occur for a few different reasons:

  • Line Break - A line break in the contact row in the CSV upload file.  The line break could be an unintentional Line Feed, Carriage Return, or 'enter' within the contact's row.   
  • Backslash - A backslash " \ " at the end of a value in the CSV upload file.
  • Empty Value - An empty value or cell at the end of a row in the CSV. This is expressed as a comma after the last value in a row. 
  • Comma in Value - A value in the CSV file that contains a comma and has no quotes around the value. 


This error means that a Record Type was not provided for the contact. Please insure that each contact in your upload file has a value for Record Type.

Error Messages when the Contact Upload File Loads (File Status = Done) but has Records Loaded With Error

Error Message

Troubleshooting Steps

Value is Invalid: Postal Code

This error occurs when a US zip code is missing one or more digits. Often, zip codes that start with 0 will have the leading zero trimmed by Microsoft Excel. 


Please ensure that the contact's value for the Country column is in an acceptable format. Values accepted can either be the two character alpha code as defined by ISO 3166 or the full country name as it appears in any Country field of the Everbridge Suite web portal. 

Phone number is not formatted correctly for specified country

This error occurs when a phone number provided in the CSV upload file does not meet country-specific formatting rules. Phone numbers provided in an upload file are validated against formatting and rules specific to the country given for the phone number, and any invalid numbers will cause an error.

Phone column is empty for defined country

This error displays when a contact record has a value in the Phone Country field but no value is in the corresponding Phone number field.

There are already too many addresses (5) for the contact

This error occurs when an address is added to a contact record that already has the maximum amount (5) of addresses allowed. Addresses (or locations) are not overwritten during uploads, and must be removed before any new addresses are added. The following article describes how to remove location information: 000010674 - How to Delete or Replace the Static Location Data for a Contact When Uploading a CSV File to the Everbridge Manager Portal.

Additional Information/Attribute name is not defined

This error means that the value given in the CSV upload file for an Additional Information field has not been predefined in the settings. Additional Information fields that have a display format type of 'Single Selection List' or 'Multiple Selection List' require that the values are predefined before they can be used in a CSV upload file. 

Additional information/attribute value is invalid

This error occurs when a contact record in the CSV has a custom value entered incorrectly.


This error means that the Custom Field name in the CSV upload file for an Additional Information field is misspelled or has not been defined in the settings. Additional Information fields must be defined in the settings before they can be used in a CSV upload file.

Groups column value is improperly formatted

This error means that the group name provided is invalid. This error can have two different causes:

  • The value in the Groups column has consecutive pipe symbols. (e.g., Alpha | Bravo || Charlie | Delta)
  • A group name provided in the Groups column is longer than 260 characters. 

This error can occur for a couple of different reasons:

  • Location ID Does Not Match Predefined Values - The location Id value given in the CSV upload file does not precisely match that of a predefined building External ID
  • Safety Connection Buildings Are Not Active - The organization does not include the Safety Connection premium feature. 
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