EBS: Downloading All Everbridge Organization Assets Into a Spreadsheet


How to download all the Assets in an Everbridge Organization into a spreadsheet.

Note: For downloading all the Contacts in an Everbridge Organization, see knowledge article EBS: How to Download All the Contacts in an Everbridge Organization Into a Spreadsheet.


Download all of the assets for an organization by following the steps below:


If the asset file is too large, Everbridge will send the user an email once the download is complete. Follow the instructions in the email to retrieve the file. 

  1. Log in to the Manager Portal and select the desired organization from the upper right-hand corner.
  2. Hover over the Contacts/Assets tab from the top of the page.
  3. Under Assets select Asset List from the drop-down menu.
  4. Next to Viewing Asset Type, select the asset type you would like to download.
  5. Click the Download button
User-added image

This will download the assets with their coordinates and related information from Everbridge Suite into a spreadsheet. In order to download other asset types, change what is listed next to Viewing Asset Type in step 4 and then repeat step 5.

If the file downloads in .txt format, see knowledge article EBS: When Downloading a Report, Contact, User or Asset List in Everbridge Suite to a CSV File, It Downloads as a TXT File Instead of a CSV File in Everbridge Suite for steps on changing the .txt file to a .csv file.


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