This guide provides the answers to frequently asked questions regarding the IPAWS.

What does IPAWS stand for?

Integrated Public Alert and Warning System.

Can audio files be attached to IPAWS notifications?

EBS: Sending an Audio Message with IPAWS Notifications and Incidents in Everbridge Suite.

Can an IPAWS notification be cancelled or stopped once it has been sent?

EBS: How to Cancel or Update Sent IPAWS Messages in Everbridge Suite.

Which channels support attachments?

EAS, PUBLIC Feed and CAP Exchange.

Which channels support polygons?

WEA, EAS, PUBLIC Feed and CAP Exchange.

What are the differences between public, restricted, and private scopes?

  • Public: notifications will be available by polling from a COG (Collaborative Operating Group). All messages intended for any push mechanism (RSS, EAS, WEA/CMAS, or NWS) must have a "Public" scope.
  • Restricted and Private: notifications will be available for retrieval only by polling from a COG that is specifically identified in the "Restriction" or "Address" ;text field. Notifications with either of these scopes will not be made available to IPAWS-OPEN.

What do I enter for the COG ID? What do I enter for the COG Alias?

For the COG ID, enter only the numbers from the .jks file. For the COG Alias, enter the .jks file name. For example, if your file was IPAWSOPEN_000000.jks, your COG ID would be 000000, and your COG Alias would be IPAWSOPEN_000000. For mor information see knowledge article EBS: Integrating IPAWS Credentials Into an Everbridge Organization.

How do I enter my credentials (launch passcode or private key and keystore password)?

See knowledge article EBS: Entering IPAWS Credentials When Publishing an IPAWS Notification or Incident.

How do I know which channels I have access to?

This information is in your COG profile. See knowledge article EBS: Viewing an Everbridge Organization’s IPAWS COG Profile.

How do I integrate IPAWS with my Everbridge organization?

EBS: Configuring IPAWS for Use With Everbridge.

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