EBS: Integrating IPAWS Credentials Into an Everbridge Organization


Integrating IPAWS credentials into an Everbridge organization.


Sending an IPAWS alert from your organization with Everbridge is a powerful tool to keep people safe and informed, however, this must be set up correctly by an administrator before you are able to send out IPAWS alerts over specific Common Alerting Protocol (CAP) channels. Once you are certified and authorized, FEMA issues the necessary credentials via email to access IPAWS within Everbridge.

1. FEMA Files

FEMA provides two zip files; one for your live Collaborative Operating Group (COG) and one for your test profile. Each zip file contains a COG ID or unique collaborative operating group identifier, a digital certificate in a JKS file format, and a text file with a confidential private key and key store. The certificates and credentials need to be uploaded to Everbridge in order to activate and send IPAWS alerts.

FEMA Files

2. Manager Portal Login

Log in to the Everbridge Manager Portal and select your Organization.

Manager Portal Login

3. Settings

Select "Settings".


4. Organization

Select "Organization".


5. Publishing Options

Choose "Publishing Options".

Publishing Options

6. CAP Channels

Click on "CAP Channels".

CAP Channels


Select "IPAWS".


8. Configure Test Profile

Set up your Test profile first. Once fully configured and tested, you can set up your Live COG group in the same manner.

Configure Test Profile

9. Certificate File

Under CERTIFICATE, Choose File.

Certificate File

10. Certificate Filename

Upload the certificate file. In this example the file name is "IPAWSOPEN120076.jks".

Certificate Filename

11. COG ID

Enter the COG ID. The COG ID is the 6-digit numeric value that is part of the certificate filename. In this case it is "120076".


12. COG Alias

Enter the COG Alias. The COG Alias is the certificate filename without the file extension. In this case, "IPAWSOPEN120076".

COG Alias

13. Save Certificate

Select the "Save" option.

Save Certificate

14. Credentials

Under CREDENTIALS, toggle the option "Store credentials to be used in places that require Private key and Keystore password". These credentials will be needed each time someone from your organization needs to send an IPAWS alert.


15. Private Key

Using the information provided in the text file sent by FEMA, enter the "Private Key".

Private Key

16. Keystore Password

Enter the "Keystore Password".

Keystore Password

17. Launch Passcode Requirements

Optionally click on the information button to see the Launch Passcode requirements.

Launch Passcode Requirements

18. Launch Passcode

Create a Launch Passcode and enter it into the "Launch Passcode" field. Depending on your organization's security preferences, you may opt to use the Launch Passcode instead of the Private Key and Keystore Password. As a best practice Everbridge suggests using the Launch Passcode for simplification.

Launch Passcode

19. Save

Select the "Save" option.


20. Get COG profile

Choose the "Get COG profile" option.

Get COG profile

21. Launch Passcode

Enter the "Launch Passcode".

Launch Passcode

22. Launch Passcode

Select "OK."

Launch Passcode

23. COG Profile

This pop-up is a legend of everything your organization is licensed to do with this IPAWS certificate and provides the details to fill in your other IPAWS settings. Send a screenshot of this pop-up to your Everbridge Account Manager to have remaining CAP channels enabled for your organization with your certificates uploaded and credentials entered. Click "OK" when you are done reviewing the certificate.

COG Profile

24. Live Profile IMPORTANT: Use different launch passcodes for your Test and Live profiles.

Set up your Live profile the same way. It is important that you choose different launch passcodes for your test profile and your live profile to reduce chances of making a mistake when testing versus sending live notifications.

Live Profile
IMPORTANT: Use different launch passcodes for your Test and Live profiles.

25. Recap

The guide covered the process of integrating IPAWS credentials into an Everbridge organization, including uploading an IPAWS certificate, storing credentials, creating a Launch Passcode, and accessing your COG profile. By following these instructions, users can seamlessly set up IPAWS integration within Everbridge.



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