Everbridge 360 - MDM on Windows

MDM with Windows Registry

Note: MDM with Window Registry is available from 24.2.4


The Everbridge 360 App can read values from the Windows Registry to prepopulate configuration values in the App. 

The values are read from the following locations


User values are looked for first, then falling back to use local machine if none are found.



Organisation code

orgCode | REG_SZ - This will be used if the App starts up and is not logged in.

Single sign-on

useInAppBrowserForSso | REG_SZ - Uses a WebView2 browser instead of the users default which allows the App to close the browser after logging in. May not work with all SSO configurations. Value should be "true" if this is required.

hideInAppBrowserForSso | REG_SZ - Hides the WebView2 browser. Useful for SSO configurations that happen automatically without user interaction. May not work with all SSO configurations. Value should be "true" if this is required.

Notification settings

criticalSound | REG_SZ - Force a specific tone for critical/ITTL notifications.

prioritySound | REG_SZ - Force a specific tone for high priority notifications.

Sound options are: default, Alarm.wav, Bulletin.wav, Chord.wav, Electronic Alarm.wav, Ethereal Bells.wav, Keyboard.wav, Memo.wav, None

Safety settings

duressCode | REG_SZ - 4 digit code used if safety settings are enabled for your App, only applies if it has not already been set.

safetyConnectionPhoneNumber | REG_SZ - Emergency phone number used if safety settings are enabled for your App, only applies if it has not already been set.

safetyConnectionCountryCode | REG_SZ - Country code of the emergency phone number used if safety settings are enabled for your App, only applies if it has not already been set.


forceStartInTray | REG_SZ - Forces the App to always stay in tray on startup, even if the user is not logged in, value should be "true" if this is required.

forceDebugLogging | REG_SZ - Forces debug logging which can be useful in diagnosing any application issues, value should be "true" if this is required.

hideExitMenuItem | REG_SZ - removes the Exit menu item from the tray icon context menu, value should be "true" if this is required.


Bypassing Chrome/Edge popup for SSO login

You may encounter this popup when trying to automate the SSO login flow for your organization. This can be bypassed using policies set in the registry.

Chrome for Enterprise

You can view the policies if you go to chrome://policy/ For more information see the official Chrome documentation.

Chrome for Enterprise allows this to be bypassed with some registry keys


Under URLAllowlist (Create the key if it doesn't exist) you can add the following String value

1 | REG_SZ | ebenterprise://*



You can view the policies if you go to edge://policy/, for more information see the official Microsoft Edge documentation

Microsoft Edge allows this to be bypassed with some registry keys



Under URLAllowlist (Create the key if it doesn't exist) you can add the following String value

1 | REG_SZ | ebenterprise://*


Theses can be set with the follow PowerShell script (requires administrator rights)

# Add URLAllowlist value for Chrome
New-Item -Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Policies\Google\Chrome\URLAllowlist" -Force
New-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Policies\Google\Chrome\URLAllowlist" -Name "1" -Value "ebenterprise://*" -PropertyType String -Force

# Add URLAllowlist value for Microsoft Edge
New-Item -Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\URLAllowlist" -Force
New-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\URLAllowlist" -Name "1" -Value "ebenterprise://*" -PropertyType String -Force
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