
Overview of How to Upload Contacts.


Adding contacts one by one can be time consuming. However, you can easily add multiple contacts by using the upload function in Everbridge 360. This is especially useful if you need to add a lot of contacts at once.

Go to

1. Dashboard

To begin, from the Everbridge 360 dashboard.


2. Dashboard

Hover over Contacts and Assets.


3. Dashboard

Then hover over Contacts,


4. Uploads

And then select the Uploads sub tab.


5. Uploads

Depending upon your organization,


6. Upload History

you may see previous Uploads from other users like we see here.

Upload History

7. Upload Details

You can view details of these past Uploads by selecting the Binoculars icon

Upload Details

8. Download Template

As well as download a CSV template to use for your Contact Upload.

Download Template

9. Template

Take incredible care when using this Template. If you adjust or edit the column headers, then errors will occur during the upload process.


10. Required Fields

You also cannot leave the First Name,

Required Fields

11. Required Fields

Last Name,

Required Fields

12. Required Fields

External ID,

Required Fields

13. Required Fields

or Record Type fields empty when performing a Contact Upload.

Required Fields

14. Uploads

Access the various options under "Uploads" to manage your data effectively.


15. Download All Contacts

Before performing an Upload, it's best practice to download all Contacts just in case an issue arises. To do this, navigate to your Contacts by selecting Contact List,

Download All Contacts

16. Download All Contacts

And then click Download to save your backup file.

Download All Contacts

17. Download All Contacts

Depending upon the file size, an email may be generated containing the file once complete.

Download All Contacts

18. Populated Template

I'll be using an already filled-out Template. For more information on filling out the Template itself, check out our Contact Management courses in Everbridge University.

Populated Template

19. Upload to Portal

Once your CSV file is filled out and ready to upload, click the "Upload to Portal" text from the Uploads page.

Upload to Portal

20. Upload to Portal

A dialog box appears and you can attach the CSV file you want to upload, or drag and drop.

Upload to Portal

21. Drag File

For our example, I'll drag and drop my csv file for Upload.

Drag File

22. File Attached

Once your file has been attached successfully, you will see the file name listed, as well as how large the file is.

File Attached

23. Remove File

If you selected an incorrect file, you can click the Trash icon to remove it.

Remove File

24. Upload to Portal

However, this is the file we want to use.

Upload to Portal

25. Upload Options

Below the selected file, we are provided with four different upload options, each with an explanation of its functionality below it.

Upload Options

26. Update

The Update option only inserts new contact records and updates existing contact records. The Update option will not delete any contacts from your organization.


27. Replace

The Replace option replaces all contact records with the matching record type in your CSV file. This means the Replace option will delete all existing contacts in your organization that do not have a match within your file upload.


28. Restore

The Restore option lets you restore, or add back previously deleted contacts. Be careful when using this option as it will overwrite existing contact records that have the same External ID. Keep in mind, that the Restore option does not update contact information. It only reactivates a deleted record.


29. Delete

Lastly, the Delete option will do just that. It deletes all the contact records that match the records within your CSV file.


30. Upload Options Help

If you're feeling stuck during this process,

Upload Options Help

31. Upload Options Help

And are unsure which functionality fits best for your upload, you can hover over the Upload Options Help link for a tip.

Upload Options Help

32. Upload Options

You can also click the link in the note below.

Upload Options

33. Best Practices

This will give you some additional best practices when uploading groups.

Best Practices

34. Upload Options

Okay, now that we know the different upload types, lets upload our file. We want to update our organization's contacts here. So we've selected the first option for Update.

Upload Options

35. Upload to Portal

Next, click Upload to portal.

Upload to Portal

36. Upload to Portal

After selecting Upload to Portal, we are sent two automated emails, one email notifying us that the contact data file was received, and another email notifying us once the contact data file has been processed.

Upload to Portal

37. Review Upload

To view your new upload, select the View icon. That's the binoculars on the far left of the row. You can even view the upload as its processing in Everbridge 360.

Review Upload

For more detailed information on uploading a file to Everbridge 360, or how to remedy contact uploads with errors, check out our Digging Deeper with Contacts, File Upload course in Everbridge University. Thanks for watching!

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