
How to Create an Incident Template.


Incident Templates are created by Incident Administrators to streamline the message-sending process by pre-populating important aspects of a message ahead of time.

Go to

1. Dashboard

To create an Incident Template, start by hovering over the Communications Tab.


2. Dashboard

Then hover over Incidents.


3. Dashboard

And then select Templates.


4. Templates

Here you will see a list of Incident Templates, if any have already been created.


5. Upload Template

Upload an XML file to import an Incident Template from another Organization.

Upload Template

6. New Incident Template

Or, click New Incident Template to create a template from scratch.

New Incident Template

7. Templates

There are multiple settings available in this pane to fully configure your Template for an Incident.


8. Template Name

Let's start with the name for this New Template.

Template Name

9. Live & Draft

Setting a Draft Template to Live makes it visible and available for launch, while you can toggle between them as you edit the Template.

Live & Draft

10. Templates

If you're creating multiple Templates.


11. Template Category

it is important to sort them, by creating, or assigning categories for each Template.

Template Category

12. Templates

Enter the type of incident.


13. Template ID

Adding a Template ID allows you to launch your Incident by phone.

Template ID

14. Templates

Enter the template ID number.


15. ITA Process

Additionally, if you have IT Alerting enabled for your organization, this option can enable you to include an ITA process.

ITA Process

16. Templates

Select the appropriate category.


17. Notification Phases

The menu option here allows you to divide the incident template into three notification phases. In order to predetermine how this incident will function.

Notification Phases

18. Manage Notification Phases

You can manage them by clicking Manage, next to the menu.

Manage Notification Phases

19. Manage Notification Phases

Manage the notification phases.

Manage Notification Phases

20. Manage Notification Phases

Click Copy to create a different new phase off of a copy of the current one.

Manage Notification Phases

21. Manage Notification Phases

Access the updated or closed template options.

Manage Notification Phases

22. Manage Notification Phases

Confirm the duplication.

Manage Notification Phases

23. Manage Notification Phases

Select the new option.

Manage Notification Phases

24. Manage Notification Phases

Enter the update details.

Manage Notification Phases

25. Manage Notification Phases

Enter the closure details.

Manage Notification Phases

26. Manage Notification Phases

Enter the update information.

Manage Notification Phases

27. Manage Notification Phases

Enter the closing details.

Manage Notification Phases

28. Save Notification Phases

Keep in mind. You will need to save a configuration for each notification phase you create.

Save Notification Phases

29. Notification Phases

For our example, we will need to configure each of our three notification phases.

Notification Phases

30. Form & Message

The Form and Message options guide the content and structure of your Incident Notification.

Form & Message

31. Variables

Let's begin by adding Variables to the Template.


32. Variables

Identify which Variables need to be included.


33. Variables

Next to the Variables, you'll be able to see two checkboxes. The box on the far left adds the Variable to the Template.


34. Variables

The second box makes filling out that Variable required.


35. Variables

Enter the necessary information.


36. Variables

Enter the ID number.


37. Variables

Next, we'll move on to the message itself.


38. Outgoing Message

Click Outgoing Message in the Preview and Edit section.

Outgoing Message

39. Form & Message

Here you can review.

Form & Message

40. Title

The Title,


41. Message



42. Speech



43. Message Type

and Message Type fields.

Message Type

44. Form & Message

Click in any field to edit it,

Form & Message

45. Add Variable Token

Enter the incident details.

Add Variable Token

46. Add Variable Token

Add any appropriate Tokens to the Message boxes by clicking the black plus sign by the Variable.

Add Variable Token

47. Add Variable Token

Add introductory text.

Add Variable Token

48. Add Variable Token

Enter the message details.

Add Variable Token

49. Priority

You have the option to mark the Message as Imminent Threat to Life or High Priority.


50. Form & Message

Once you're finished,

Form & Message

51. Preview

Click Preview to view the Form and make sure everything is correct.


52. Preview

Select the sender details.


53. Preview

Click on "OK"


54. Publishing Options

There are several types of Publishing Options you can utilize for an Incident Message.

Publishing Options

55. Publishing Options

However, the options you see in this section depend on what you've purchased, as well as what you've enabled in your organization settings, we recommend you check out our course "Creating an Incident Template" within Everbridge University for full details on each of these options.

Creating an Incident Template

Publishing Options

56. Contacts

When creating an Incident Template, Contacts can be chosen ahead of time through various means.


57. Contacts

You can quickly add relevant Contacts to the Template using the Individuals, Groups, Rules or the Map options for your Notifications.


58. Contacts

If you want to learn how to create Groups, Rules, or Conditions, check out the link at the bottom right to review courses from our Everbridge University course catalog.

Course Catalog


59. Settings

Template Settings control aspects of message delivery for your Incident Template.


60. Edit Settings

You can make changes to the delivery rules by clicking the Edit button.

Edit Settings

61. Settings

Make sure that these details are something recognizable for your contacts. This increases the chance of them trusting and opening your message.


62. Settings: More Options

To edit your message settings further, click More Options.

Settings: More Options

63. Settings: More Options

Choose the "Reply-to E-Mail: Organization default" option

Settings: More Options

64. Permissions

Permissions are the ability granted to anyone who launches a Live Incident Template to make changes or modifications.


65. Permissions

Operators can be allowed to edit messages, contacts, settings, and publishing options in this section.


66. Save

Once you finish adding all the appropriate functions for the Incident. Click Save, or Save and Copy to make an instant copy of the Template.


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