EBS: Everbridge Suite Password and Session Expiration Times



Everbridge Suite password and session expiration times.



Password Expiration

Session Expiration

Phone Launch

  • No expiration
  • N/A

Manager Portal

  • For federal accounts: every 30, 60, or 180 days.
  • For non-federal accounts: every 90, 180, or 365 days, or no expiration.
  • Users are prompted to enter re-enter their current password and enter a new password. (For users in federal accounts, the new password cannot be any of the past 24 passwords. For users in non-federal accounts, the new password cannot be any of the past three passwords.) If users change their password during the 90-day period, the counter resets to zero (0) and starts a new 90-day cycle.
  • NOTE: changing the password expiration settings will take immediate effect. For example, if the expiration is set to 180 days, then changed to 90, then a user who has not changed their password in 100 days would suddenly need to change their password.

Member Portal

For non-federal accounts:

  • None if member record is not linked to user record.
  • 90 Days if member record is linked to user record. If users change their password during the 90-day period, the counter resets to zero (0) and starts a new 90-day cycle.

For federal accounts:

  • Matches the value set in an account's Password Policy (every 30, 60, or 180 days).
  • NOTE: changing the password expiration settings will take immediate effect. For example, if the expiration is set to 180 days, then changed to 60, then a contact who has not changed their password in 70 days would suddenly need to change their password.
  • Matches the value set in an account's Timeout Policy.
  • NOTE: Even if your company’s IDP server is 4 hours, Everbridge manages the session, so the session timeout for SSO users is 60 minutes of inactivity.

ManageBridge App

  • Every 90 days
  • If a user's password expires, then a message instructs the user to change his/her password in the Manager Portal.
  • After 60 minutes of inactivity.

Everbridge Mobile App

  • None if member record is not linked to user record.
  • 90 Days if member record is linked to user record. If users change their password during the 90-day period, the counter resets to zero (0) and starts a new 90-day cycle.

NOTE: If Everbridge Mobile app users see any of the following codes, then they must either contact their Administrator or attempt to log into the Everbridge Mobile app:

  • Client Account disabled (Code: 11031)
  • User disabled (Code: 11039)
  • Organization disabled (Code: 11033)
  • No member path in Org (Code: 20000)
  • Password expired (Code: 11032)
  • Temp password cannot login (Code: 11034)
  • No Member product (Code: 1000)
  • Token expired (Security Policy) (Code: 401)
  • Every 90 days
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