EBS: Troubleshooting HTML Capability in the Notification RTF Editor in Everbridge Suite


Troubleshooting hypertext mark-up language (HTML) in the rich text format (RTF) Editor for Mass Notifications and Incident Communication in Everbridge Suite.


The notification rich text format (RTF) editor supports HTML source code editing, but you may encounter the following while using this feature.

Delivery Failure due to Image Encoding

The RTF editor encodes pasted-in images using base64, that is, converting an image into alphabetic data. This can add significantly to a message's character count, which may prevent it from delivering due to carrier character count restrictions. This limitation is on the roadmap to be enhanced.

Spell Check and Copy/Paste

The new RTF editor does not support spell-checking, and right-clicking does not display copy or paste options. Both these limitations are on the product roadmap to be enhanced.

Losing Formatting

Copying and pasting directly from a rich text editor, such as Word (Windows) and Pages (MacOS), can ruin the formatting of the rich text. To address this, see knowledge article EBS: Text Containing HTML Code That Is Copied From Another Application Into a Mass Notification Template/Message Loses Its Formatting.

Losing Images

Copying and pasting <img> tags directly into the HTML source code editor may not work. In that case, images typically need to be added by copying and pasting them directly or using the Insert/edit image button in the RTF editor.

Losing Styles

The RTF editor supports limited fonts; otherwise, it can field the entire array of HTML styles. However, references to external cascading stylesheets (CSSs) (e.g., <link rel="stylesheet" href="styles.css">) are often lost because they are relative links (i.e., they do not begin with "https://" or "www"), not absolute links. This can be solved by referring to the complete web address of the CSS OR copying and pasting the CSS content into the <head> element of the HTML code.

Broken Links

Again, be sure that all links are absolute (completei.e., beginning with "https://" and/or "www"), not relative (incomplete).

Inactive Scripts

JavaScript (e.g., buttons, videos, forms, etc.) are not supported in the RTF editor. However, as a workaround, users can embed iframes.

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