NC4: E Team - R9.8 E Team Form Builder - Auto Closure Support

Custom Forms are included during Auto Closure processing when properly designed and configured. See knowledge article NC4: E Team - R9.8 Using E Team - Auto Closure for more information on Auto Closure processing..

Form Builder Manager contains the column Static Form. You will see a check box in this column for all forms that contain the Related Event Incident Activity custom control.

  1. Verify your custom form design contains the Related Event Incident Activity custom control. If it does not, from the Custom panel on the left of your designer workspace, drag and drop the Related Event Incident Activity control onto your form and click Finish.
  2. In the Static Form column to the right of the listing on the Form Builder Manager main screen:
    • Check the box if instances of the form are NOT to be closed during auto closure processing.
    • Leave the check box empty if instances of the form ARE to be closed during auto closure.

Cloned and imported forms will NOT retain the static form setting of the original form. You MUST reset this value when cloning or importing forms.  

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