NC4: E Team - R9.8 Using E Team - Auto Closure

The E Team Auto Closure feature allows you to trigger the system to process all reports that have been related to an Event, either by being directly related to the Event or by being related to an Incident which in turn has been related to an Event, when the top-level Event is status is set to Blue-Report Closed. The Auto Closure capability is featured on both Emergency and Planned Events. 
  • If the Auto Closure feature has been enabled by your E Team System Administrator, the process will run on a regular cycle, approximately every 17 minutes.
  • If the feature is not enabled on your system, all Events set to the Auto Closure process will remain in the Auto Closure queue. When next enabled, the Auto Closure process for all items in the queue will be triggered.
  • You must be a member of one of the following groups E Team Editors, E Team Managers, E Team System Admin or have been given the permissions emergency_event (EDITOR) and planned_event (EDITOR).
  • The Auto Closure Queue provides a means to view the status of all Events that have been selected for Auto Closure processing. The queue is located under the Administration menu and contains a link to each Event Report, identifies the Event Type (Emergency or Planned), provides the Date/Time of Event Closure, Name of the user taking the action, and the current status of the Auto Closure process. The view allows users to drill-down to review a copy of all documents affected by the closure.
  • All E Team reports are defined as active or static and are handled differently during the auto closure process. Download the attached E Team Auto-Closure Report Handling Detail document to review details for each report type. Custom Forms are defined as Active or Static during design.
    • Active - Reports that can be associated with multiple events over time.
    • Static - Reports that are specific to an event.
Flagging an Event Report for Auto Closure
To include an Event in the auto closure process:
  1. Navigate to and click on the link for the Event report you wish to add to the process.
  2. Click Update.
  3. Verify or set Status field value to Blue-Report Closed.
  4. Submit the report.
  5. If your Event has no related reports the system will provide this information to you. Click OK to close this dialog.
  6. If your Event has related reports you will be presented with a confirmation dialog box.
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  7. Click the View reports to be processed link to view all reports to be included.
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  8. Select No to close the window. No actions will be triggered, the Event will NOT be put into a the Auto Closure Queue for processing of related reports. You may resubmit the Event at anytime to trigger this action at a later time.
  9. Select Yes to close and add the Event to the Auto Closure queue for processing.
If AFTER selecting Yes AND before the Event is processed, you relate additional reports to an Incident that is related to the now Closed Event, the system will capture those additional related reports and process for you.
If AFTER selecting Yes AND AFTER the Event has been processed you find that you have additional reports that should have been related but were not, you may re-open the Event, relate the reports and re-process for Auto Closure.
Once the Event has been set for Auto Closure you will see the auto closure status to the right of the Status field on the Event while in read-only mode. 
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Click on the Auto Close Pending link to display a listing of all reports to be processed.
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Once the Auto Closure process has been completed, the status link will change to Auto Closure Details. Clicking on the Auto Closure Details link will launch a window, displaying all results of the Auto Closure process. The Auto Closure Detail link is preserved on the Event Report, and the details of the Auto Closure can continue to be accessed in History even after the Event is deleted, by using this link. To print this report, right click and use your browser print option.
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