EBS: Copying Incident Templates Between Everbridge Organizations for Testing Purposes


Copying Incident Templates between Everbridge Organizations for testing without including contact data.


To copy existing Incident Templates from one Everbridge organization to another for testing purposes without copying the existing contacts, you can use the 'Copy' or 'Download' options in the Templates menu.

'Copy' Option

  1. Navigate to the Templates menu in your Everbridge Organization.

  2. Locate the Incident Template you want to copy.

  3. Click the 'Copy' button for that template.

  4. A copy of the template will be created in the same organization with the name 'Copy - Template Name'.

'Download' Option

  1. Navigate to the Templates menu in your Everbridge Organization.

  2. Locate the Incident Template you want to copy.

  3. Click the 'Download' button for that template.

  4. An XML file will be downloaded to your computer.

  5. Upload the XML file into the target Everbridge Organization.

  6. The template will be imported into the target Organization without including any contacts.

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