EBS: Using the Incident Chat Feature in Everbridge Suite - Launching an Incident


Defining an Incident Communications Template to use the Incident Chat feature in Everbridge Suite.


Incident Chat invites Contacts and Users to participate in a live chat from an Incident Notification and is a feature of Incident Communications. Once enabled, the feature may be defined in an Incident Template definition for later use or if needed on the fly when launching an Incident. This article shows how to define the setting on the fly when editing an active Incident.


This guide will walk you through the process of launching an incident using Everbridge's Incident Chat feature.

1. Login Page

Sign in to the Manager Portal and select your Organization.

Login Page

2. Manager Portal

Ensure you are at the Organization level.

Manager Portal

3. Launch an Incident

Click "Launch Incident".

Launch an Incident

4. Select a Template

Select the appropriate Template. In this example, the "Shooting" Template is selected.

Select a Template

5. Template

Fill in any required Template fields.


6. Next

Click "Next".


7. "More options"

Scroll down to Settings and click "More options".

 'More options'

8. Invite these contacts to the incident chat

"Invite these contacts to the incident chat" is set to "yes" or "no" depending on the Template definition. In this example, the value is set to "yes".

Invite these contacts to the incident chat

9. Settings - Edit

To change the value for the current Incident, go to Settings and click "Edit". Note that this will not change the setting in the Template definition.

Settings - Edit

10. Change the Setting

Toggle "Yes" or "No" Then continue with launching the Incident.

Change the Setting

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