Everbridge 360™: Professional - CEM Orchestration Limited Workflows
The Everbridge 360 Professional solution provides preconfigured alerting workflows, allowing you to easily generate, and automatically be notified about, alerts in Visual Command Center when a risk event occurs near your contacts or assets. In this tutorial, you will learn how to navigate these workflows, as well as make simple updates to support your alerting requirements.
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1. Navigate
To get started, navigate to CEM Orchestration from your Organization's Workflow menu
2. Navigate
and select Workflow List.
3. Workflows
Here you will see the list of preconfigured Workflows for the risk event feeds enabled for Visual Command Center.
4. Select
Let's start by selecting the "RIMC Powered by NC4" workflow to view its configuration. The RIMC is Everbridge's Risk Intelligence Monitoring Center.
5. Workflow Rules
Every Risk Event is assigned a Category, and each of these categories is represented by a Rule within the Workflow.
6. Default Settings
Each Rule has default settings for the Severity and Impact Radius used to generate alerts.
7. Alert
In this example, any Local Disaster event with a Severity of Extreme, Severe or Moderate that occurs within 10 miles of your organization's Contacts or Assets, will generate an Alert in Visual Command Center.
8. Severity
If needed, you can change which Severity levels trigger alerts for this category. Click the menu to display and change the selection for the desired level(s).
9. Impact Radius
The Impact Radius appears for point-based events and cannot be modified.
10. Status
If you do not wish to receive alerts for this category, toggle its status to Off.
11. Actions
When an alert is generated, it can also trigger an automated notification. To configure this option, select "Actions."
12. Incident
This is where you will assign an incident template to launch for this alert.
13. Template
Select the Category and Template from your preconfigured list. A sample template suitable for auto launch is provided in your organization. It is recommended that you review this template in advance to customize its content, settings and contacts.
14. Mobile Safety VCC
Note: if launching an automated incident notification for the Mobile Safety alert workflow, use the designated template provided in your Organization that is specific to this alert type.
15. Updates
If you would like to receive notifications when the alert information changes, select the option to "Send notification for UPDATES."
16. Closed
You can also choose to send a notification when the alert is CLOSED or ACKNOWLEDGED.
17. Contacts in Area
To launch the incident to all alertable contacts in the alert radius, select the option to "Send to Contacts in Area." This setting is not recommended for the Mobile Safety Alert workflow.
18. Facility Contacts
If configured for any of your Assets, you can also select the option to notify Facility Contacts.
19. Details
Next, let's look at the Details section for this category.
20. Subcategories
Its Subcategories are displayed and cannot be modified.
21. Contacts and Assets
By default, all Contacts and Assets configured for your organization are included, and their locations can trigger an alert.
22. Modify Contacts
It is possible to modify these inclusions, if needed. For example, you can limit which Contact locations generate alerts by changing the Group, Contact Type or Location Option selections. Keep in mind that these selections will apply to all alerts generated for this Category.
23. Exclude Contacts
If you do not want any Contact locations to generate alerts, simply uncheck the Contacts option.
24. Exclude Assets
Similarly, if you do not want any Asset locations to generate alerts, uncheck the Asset option
25. Modify Assets
or, select just the Asset Types that should trigger alerts for this Category.
26. Save
If any changes have been made to the Actions or Details, click Save.
27. Modify
Repeat these steps if you need to modify the settings for any other category in the Workflow.
28. Rule Sets
Please note, the Crime and HAZMAT/Fire categories have two sets of Rules. This allows you to trigger alerts with a smaller radius for risk events with a Minor or Unknown severity.
29. Save
When you are finished making any changes to the Workflow, click Save.
30. Log
Each Rule has an audit log, where you can trace all configuration, alert and notification activity. Click "Log" to view.
31. Activity Log
Events for the last 90 days are visible, with the most recent activity appearing first.
32. Differences
Lastly, let's look at a few of the notable configuration differences within the other Source's Workflows.
33. Magnitude
Earthquake Alerts from the U.S. Geological Survey are defined by Magnitude.
34. Weather Events
Weather Events are issued as polygons, so an Impact Radius does not appear like it does for point-based alerts.
35. US Weather
US Weather Events are defined by the Significance levels of Warning, Advisory and Watch.
36. Wildfires
Wildfire Alerts from the National Interagency Fire Center are also issued as polygons, so will not display an Impact Radius. All severities are included as the polygon represents the acreage of the area burning.
37. Wind Swath
Hurricane Alerts from the Global Disaster Alert Coordination System are defined by the storm's Wind Swath and issued as polygons.
38. Help
For more information on CEM Orchestration Workflows, Risk Events, or Incidents, click the Help icon to access the Everbridge Online Support Center.
This guide covered detailed instructions on navigating and modifying the preconfigured Everbridge 360 Professional Workflows for Visual Command Center alerting. Thank you for watching!
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