Creating a custom Asset Attribute.
In this guide, you will learn how to create a Custom Asset Attribute for an Asset Type in Everbridge. These attributes can provide additional information about an asset, which can be helpful when viewing the asset in Visual Command Center.
1. Naviagate
Start by navigating to the "Asset Types" section of the "Contacts/Assets" menu in your Organization Settings.

2. Edit
Click the pencil icon of the Asset Type for which you want to add a custom attribute.

3. Verify
The number of custom attributes will vary depending on what has been provisioned for your Organization.

4. Add
To get started, click "New Asset Attribute".

5. Name
In the attribute form, required fields are noted with an asterisk. Start by naming the attribute.

6. Customize
The Custom Header provides the option to specify a CSV Column Header name for the attribute, to be used in file upload mappings.

7. Display Format
Click to expose and select the desired Display Format for the attribute. Choices are Textbox, Single Selection List and Multiple Selection List. Here, we will choose "Single Selection List".

8. Data Type
Next, select the Data Type for the Display Format chosen. Choices are Text, Whole Number, Decimal Number or Date. We will select "Text" for this example.

9. Help Text
If needed, select the checkbox to include Help Text, then enter the content. Currently, the Help Text only displays here, in the Edit Custom Attribute dialog.

10. Option Label
For a Selection List format, enter the Option Labels for each selection.

11. Option Label

12. Display Order
If needed, you can change the order of the options in a selection list by clicking and dragging the label's handle.

13. Display Order
Move to the desired position.

14. Add
To finish creating this attribute, click "Add".

15. Save
Repeat these steps to add any additional Attributes. When you are finished, click "Save".

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