
How to use Custom Actions with Alerts.


Alert Custom Actions allow an Operator to share the Alert details from Visual Command Center Operator Console to a 3rd-party service, such as an Incident or Case Management service. 

Role Configuration

  1. Log in to the Everbridge Manager Portal and select your Organization
  2. Select Settings > Access > Roles
  3. Edit a Role
  4. Under VCC PERMISSIONS configure permissions for that Role as shown in the table below
Role Permission Default
Organization Admin Use Custom Alert Actions ON|OFF
Incident Operator Use Custom Alert Actions ON|OFF
Incident Administrator Use Custom Alert Actions ON|OFF
Custom Role Use Custom Alert Actions ON|OFF

Creating Custom Action

  1. Log in to the Everbridge Manager Portal and select your Organization
    • EB 360: Workflows > CEM Orchestration > Setup > Custom Actions
    • Legacy UI: Settings > Everbridge Open > CEM Orchestration > Setup > Custom Actions
  1. Select Add Custom Action
  2. Configure 
    • Action Name
    • Action Url
    • GET or POST
    • Authorization


Launching Custom Action

  1. Access Visual Command Center (VCC)  
  2. Click on an Alert
  3. Right Click on an Alert Card
  4. Click on Alert Widget
  5. Select Custom Actions 

  1. Select the Custom Action that you want to execute
  2. Confirm Custom Action launch

Custom Actions and Flow Designer

Organizations can leverage Everbridge Flow Designer to exchange and synchronize data between Alert Custom Actions and the target applications in your system.  Flow Designer can also automate processes and procedures that connect the different applications.  

Learn more about Flow Designer here. 

Example Custom Action Payload

Data Element



Organization ID


Unique ID of the Everbridge organization.

Alert ID


Unique ID of the Everbridge alert.

Alert Expires Date Time


Date and time the alert expires.

Alert Actions


Alert Action history.

Last Event ID


Unique ID of the Everbridge risk event that triggered the Alert.

Last Event Updated Time


Date and time the risk event was last updated.

Last Event Onset Time


Date and time the risk event began.

Alert Closest Asset ID

{alert.summaries[].summaryName} = closest-x-assets-only

Comma-separated list of IDs for the 10 assets closest to the risk.

Alert Closest Contact ID

{alert.summaries[].summaryName} = closest-x-contacts-only

Comma-separated list of IDs for the 10 contacts closest to the risk.

Alert Closest Asset and Contact ID

{alert.summaries[].summaryName} = closest-x-assets

Comma-separated list of IDs for the 10 closest assets and contacts to the risk.

Risk Event ID


Unique ID of the Everbridge risk event.

Risk Event Sender


Sender of the risk event information.

Risk Event Source


Source of the risk event information.

Risk Event Language


Language of the risk event information.

Risk Event Categories


Comma-separated list of categories the risk event falls into.

Risk Event Subcategory

{[].valueName} = subCategory

Subcategory the risk event falls into.

Risk Event Urgency


Urgency of the risk event as set in Everbridge CEM.

Risk Event Severity


Severity of the risk event as set in Everbridge CEM.

Risk Event Significance

{[].valueName} = Significance

Significance of the risk event as set in Everbridge CEM.

Risk Event Certainty


Certainty of the risk event as set in Everbridge CEM.

Risk Event Audience


Audience the risk event is for.

Risk Event Effective Date Time


Date and time of when the source became aware of the risk information.

Risk Event Onset Date Time


Date and time the risk event began.

Risk Event Expires Date Time


Date and time the risk event expires.

Risk Event Sender Name


Name of the risk event sender.

Risk Event Headline


Name of the risk event.

Risk Event Description


Description of the risk event.

Risk Event Instruction


Instructions to follow for the risk event.

Risk Event URL


Unique URL for the risk event.

Risk Event Contact


Primary contact for the risk event.

Risk Event Area Descriptions


Description of the areas that are affected by the risk.

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