


  1. What is 10DLC?

10DLC stands for 10-Digit Long Code. It is a term used in the United States SMS market when a business uses a sanctioned (10-digit) phone number as the sender ID for its enterprise SMS messaging. Although “long codes” are available for lease from mobile carriers in various countries, the term “10DLC” is only used in the United States market. 10DLC is generally less expensive than short codes.

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  1. What is a Short Code?

A "short code" is a sequence of digits, typically 5-6 digits long, used as the sender ID for enterprise SMS messaging. Short codes are available for lease from mobile carriers in various countries, including the United States. Short codes are generally more expensive to lease and maintain than 10DLCs.

  1. What is a shared code?

A "shared code" is an SMS sender ID (short or long) that is used by multiple enterprises, or brands, for their SMS messaging. For example, all Everbridge codes, including our 89361, 87844, and 88911 U.S. short codes are considered “shared codes” because we use them as the sender ID for multiple clients.


  1. What are the pros and cons of 10DLC vs short codes?

Example: 818-230-9700
US Short Codes
Example: 89361
Client-Dedicated Sender ID Yes. As mandated by the carriers, a 10DLC must be dedicated to a single brand (typically, this would be an Everbridge client). The default Everbridge short codes are not client-dedicated, but rather shared codes used across all clients.

Everbridge does offer client-dedicated short codes as a premium offering for those clients who are interested in this option. Please contact your Everbridge Account Manager for pricing and details.
Delivery Receipt
No handset delivery receipt (carrier received receipt only). Handset delivery receipt.
Throughput AT&T places a TPM (Transactions Per Minute) limit on every 10DLC. The TPM is based on the use case of the code as determined during the registration process. It can vary between 75 TPM for standard use cases and up to 4500 TPM for emergency use cases. AT&T is currently the only carrier that caps throughput. No throughput limits on the Everbridge shared short codes.
Capacity T-Mobile places a daily cap on every 10DLC. This cap is based on the use case of the code as determined during the registration process. It can vary between 2000 messages/day on the low end and up to 200K messages/day on the high end. Government entity use cases are not capped. T-Mobile is currently the only carrier that uses daily cap limiting. No daily cap on the Everbridge shared short codes.


  1. Does Everbridge offer 10DLC?

Everbridge does not offer 10DLC as we believe short codes are best suited for majority of our clients' use cases to deliver critical and emergency SMS messaging. We are continuously evaluating our clients' needs, as well as market and regulatory changes in the SMS domain, and will support 10DLC if/when we believe there is a need which will benefit our clients.


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