EBS: Authenticating Using a Public Key for SFTP in Everbridge Suite


Authenticating using a public key for SFTP in Everbridge Suite.


When configuring SFTP for contact and/or asset uploads, you have the choice of authenticating with a private key or a public key. This article explains how to authenticate using an Everbridge public key. For information on authenticating using an Everbridge private key, see knowledge article EBS: Authenticating Using a Private Key for SFTP in Everbridge Suite.

Before You Begin

Download the PuTTYgen Tool

Go to http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/download.html

Generate a Public Key Pair

 Generate your own keys using PuttyGen.


Be sure to save both the public and private keys in PuttyGen. It is easy to overlook this.

Add Your Public Key(s) in Everbridge

Account Level

  1. Log in to the Everbridge Manager Portal as an Account Administrator
  2. Select Settings > Security > Secure FTP
  3. In the Everbridge interface, change the SFTP Key type to Public Key


  1. Enter the SFTP Key Name and SFTP Public Key


  1. Click Add

Organization Level

  1. Log in to the Everbridge Manager Portal and select your Organization
  2. Select Settings > Organization > Contacts/Assets > Upload Options
  3. In the Everbridge interface, change the SFTP Key type to Public Key


  1. Enter the SFTP Key Name and SFTP Public Key


  1. Click Add

NOTE: See knowledge article EBS: Supported Public Key Formats for Connecting to Everbridge Suite via SFTP for information on accepted public key formats.



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