
How to use the Asset Association feature to:

  • Create Association Types.
  • Associate Contacts or Groups to an Asset.
  • Add Associations to Alert Workflow Incident Actions for dynamic notifications..


Create New Asset Association Type

    1. Log in to the Everbridge Manager Portal and select your Organization
    2. Select Settings > Organization > Contacts/Assets > Asset Association
    3. Click New Asset Association
    4. Add Association Label, e.g., Facility Security, District Manager, Regional Manager. This can be any you choose, but each must be unique across the org (no duplicates).
    5. Click Save

Link New Asset Association to Assets 

    1. Access Assets > Asset List
    2. Select an Asset > Edit 
    3. Select Add Association mceclip0.png
    4. Select which type of association you want to define for the selected asset by choosing an option from the Association Definition dropdown.
    5. Select a specific Contact(s) or Group(s) that should be associated with this Asset.
    6. Click Ok
    7. Click the Save button at the bottom of the Asset form.
    8. Once your changes are saved you will see the association reflected on the Asset record.

Managing Asset Associations via File Upload

You can include your asset-contact associations in your Asset file uploads. Once you have defined Asset Association types in your Org, your Asset upload templates will include two new columns for each defined association type, one for Contacts and one for Contact Groups.

Data format:

For Associated Contacts, the expected format is a pipe ("|")-separated list of Contact external IDs

e.g., The "Site Security" association for an asset comprises two individuals, whose contact records have the external IDs "EH1002" and "" respectively. Both of these Contacts will be included in "Facility Contact" communications when the associated Asset is an affected asset.

For Associated Groups, the expected format is a pipe-separated list of Group names.

e.g., The "District Managers" association for an asset contains two contact groups, "District 9 Managers" and "District Oversight Committee". All Contacts in either of these Groups will be included in "Facility Contact" communications when the associated Asset is an affected asset.

Using Asset Association in Alert Workflows

    1. Select Organization > Everbridge Open > CEM Orchestration
    2. Select a specific Workflow > Actions
    3. Under Incidents you can select Facility Contacts to be added to your incident communications for the assets that are affected by the alert.

View Associations in Visual Command Center Operator Console

  1. Access Situational Awareness > Visual Command Center
  2. Access an Asset where you have created an Asset Association and added at least one User or Group. 
  3. The Asset Associations configured for that Asset will be displayed.   If no Asset Associations are configured the Association tab will not be displayed. 


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