EBS: Difference Between the Incident "ACK Status" Field and the "Ack" Field on the ITA Dashboard in Everbridge Suite


Difference between the Incident ACK Status field and the Ack field on the ITA dashboard in Everbridge Suite.


When viewing an incident from the ITA dashboard, there is a field called ACK Status and a field called Ack.  These fields may or may not match depending on the setup of the incident.


ACK Status

  • This field is based on the incident escalation settings.
  • For example, in the screenshot below, it will show "Not Acknowledged" until someone responds.  When one person responds, it will show "Partially Acknowledged".  Once two people have replied, it will show as "Fully Acknowledged".


  • This field is based on the escalation setting for "Sequencing".
  • For example, in the screenshot below, it will show "Not Acknowledged" until someone responds.  When one person responds, it will show "Partially Acknowledged".  Once two people have replied, it will show as "Fully Acknowledged".

The two fields will be in sync if the escalation settings for the incident AND the sequencing requirements are the same but you they will be different if they are not the same.  For example, if there is no sequencing, you will see "Not Required" in the Ack field.

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