Resilience Insights: Copying a Widget to Another Dashboard


How to copy an existing dashboard widget to another dashboard in Everbridge Resilience Insights.


In Everbridge Resilience Insights, you can copy a widget to another dashboard or to its own dashboard from the Edit dashboard menu.  

  1. Log in to the Everbridge Manager Portal and select your organization
  2. Select Reports + Analytics > Resilience Insights
  3. Choose the folder in which the dashboard resides
  4. Select the name of the dashboard
  1. Edit dashboard
  1. Edit the widget to be copied
  1. Click the gear icon > Save > To an existing dashboard
  1. Select the Dashboard to which you want to copy the widget. Note: Group is a shared folder
  2. Save to Dashboard


  1. You will receive the message:

"New Tile" has been added to the "<name of dashboard>" Dashboard.


The widget will appear as the last tile on the dashboard you selected.





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