EBS: Asset and Contact Address Geocoding Confidence and Precision Levels in Everbridge Suite



What Are Asset and Contact Address Geocoding Confidence and Precision Levels in Everbridge Suite and how can they be updated?


Address Geocoding is pulled via the Geocode Service, and the Latitude and Longitude are added to the contact's or asset's record. This information can then display the contact or asset in the Universe tab. 

Our Geocode Service will provide a Confidence Level and a Precision Level for every result.

Confidence Levels

The table below lists the available confidence levels;




The geocode service has high confidence, meaning the address geocoding results only returned one match.

High is the default Confidence Level in Everbridge Suite. 


The geocoding service can return more than one possible location for a location, and the most likely one will be used for geocoding.

Everbridge recommends this level.


The geocode service has low confidence in the match, meaning the search has returned several possible locations or one location, but the location(s) do not match the original input. 

Everbridge does not recommend this confidence level.

The level of confidence set within an Organization shows the results based on the minimum confidence level. 
The confidence for a geocoded location is based on many factors, including the relative importance of the geocoded location.

Precision Levels

Several different precision levels are available to the Organization, and these can be set to meet the requirements of the contacts geolocation. Including, but not limited to: 

  • Address (Street Address)
  • Populated Place (City/Town)
  • AdminDivision (State/Province)
  • Postcode (Postal/ZIP) 
  • CountryRegion (Country)

The default precision level is set at Address for high-accuracy geocoding. Everbridge recommends Post Code for the precision level when the entire address has not been provided or if addresses are not geocoding.

Updating Confidence and Precision Levels

Geocoding Confidence and Precision Levels can be set in the Manager Portal under Settings > Organization > Contacts/Assets > Default Options.


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