Everbridge CEM: November 2023 Release Notes


What's New in Flow Designer
New Launch Incident Step Triggers

The Launch Incident step has been updated to include the following triggers:

  • Trigger on Incident Notification start or stop.
  • Trigger on Incident journal entry creation. 

These can be used to:

  • Trigger updates in other systems and execute automations when a Notification starts or stops.
  • Perform actions with a new journal entry, such as notifying a chat channel or adding a ticket comment.

This feature is free for all Flow Designer-eligible customers. 

Release Date: November 14 (EU), November 15 (US)

Update Incident Step

The new Update Incident step allows users to update Incident variables based on various triggers and actions, such as Notification responses or the automatic creation of a chat channel. 

This feature is free for all Flow Designer-eligible customers. 

Release Date: November 14 (EU), November 15 (US)

Stop Incident Notification Step

The new Stop Incident Notification step allows users to stop Incident Notifications in response to certain actions, like a response to the Notification or triggers from an external system. 

This feature is free for all Flow Designer-eligible customers.

Release Date: November 14 (EU), November 15 (US)

Improved Close Incident Step

The new Close Incident step allows users to choose if they want to send a Notification or not. Flows can be created that close Incidents with an informative Notification about the final resolution. 

This feature is free for all Flow Designer-eligible customers. 

Release Date: November 14 (EU), November 15 (US)

What's New in Travel Protector
Configuring Temporary Travel Retention Policy

Users can now change the default 3-month retention policy for Temporary Travelers created from Travel Location Data feeds, allowing them to match their own internal policy. The value can be set from 1 day to 18 months.

This feature is available at no additional cost for all Travel Protector customers.

Release Date: November 14 (EU), November 15 (US)

Minor Improvements to Existing Features - All Products
Product Feature Area Feature Description Benefits
Mass Notifications and Incident Communications Notification Message Rich Text Editor Formatting shortcuts for creating a new line and new paragraph have been updated:
  • Enter key will create a new paragraph.
  • Shift + Enter keys will create a new line.
Users can leverage standard formatting shortcuts to efficiently utilize the Rich Text Editor for messages.
Mass Notifications and Incident Communications Contact Management Contact Uploads The Contact Uploads list will now only retain 18 months of data, which can be downloaded within 30 days of ingestion.  Removes old data cluttering the interface, making it easier to find relevant information. 
Defects Corrected in This Release
Product Area Feature Defect Case Numbers

Safety Connection

RiskBand SOS Group Managers are unable to close RiskBand SOS in Universe.
  • 483698

Incident Communications

Nixle Publishing When variables are used as tokens in the Nixle SMS message field, the value of the variable is not correctly populated in the field.
  • 481041


Contact Upload

The file downloaded from the Upload Details page does not match the file that was uploaded.

  • 469850



The registration email comes from different Sender IDs.

  • 485651


Shape Files

Cannot delete auto-simplified shape unless it's unselected.

  • 481186

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