RIMC: How the RIMC Classifies Earthquakes When Publishing Risk Events in Visual Command Center (VCC)


How the RIMC classifies earthquakes when publishing risk events in Visual Command Center (VCC).


The RIMC uses the table below as guidelines when publishing risk events for earthquakes in Visual Command Center.


The table below is applicable to United States and international earthquakes that have no initial reports of impact (including injuries, structural damages, and other associated impact). The table includes both earthquakes that are staged for automation and those that are reported manually. If the initial reports indicate that there is impact and/or as information regarding impact becomes available, the full context should be evaluated when assigning the severity level. M3.5-3.9 earthquakes are not reported unless there are abnormal circumstances causing measurable disruptions.

Magnitude Severity
< 4.0 NA
4.0 - 4.9 Minor
5.0 - 5.9 Moderate
6.0 + Severe or Extreme (depending on impact)
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