Everbridge 360™: FAQ

Everbridge 360™ FAQ

This document provides the answers to frequently asked questions about Everbridge 360™. See knowledge article Everbridge 360™: What is Everbridge 360™? for an overview of Everbridge 360™.

Getting Started

How is the Everbridge 360™ experience enabled?

See knowledge article Everbridge 360™: Enabling the Everbridge 360™ Experience for Everbridge Organizations

How do you access Visual Command Center (VCC) in Everbridge 360™?

A: See knowledge article Everbridge 360™: Accessing Visual Command Center (VCC) in Everbridge 360™.

Left-Side Applications Navigation Menu

Where can I find information on the new left-side applications navigation menu?

See knowledge article Everbridge 360™: Left- Side Applications Navigation Menu

Who can try out the left side navigation menu in my Organization?

All users of the organization can activate the left side navigation menu by toggling on the Everbridge 360™ experience.

Will all the options in the existing top navigation menu be available in the new left side navigation menu?

Yes, all the existing options in the current top navigation menu will be available in the new left side navigation menu and users will only be able to access the menu options that their roles have permissions for. 

Is the left side navigation menu available at the Account level?

Yes, the left side navigation menu can be activated at the Account level by enabling the Everbridge 360™ toggle in the top menu panel available to account administrators.

NOTE: All account admins will see the Everbridge 360™ toggle in the top menu panel at the Account level. The toggle at the Account level is not controlled by the activation of Everbridge 360™ at the Organization level.

Communications User Flow

How do I try the new Communications user flow in Everbridge 360™?

  1. Log in to the Everbridge Manager Portal (manager.everbridge.net or manager.everbridge.eu) and select your organization, OR Visual Command Center (https:// vcc.everbridge.net/ or https://vcc.everbridge.eu/) using:
    • Username/Password
    • SSO credentials
  2. Everbridge Manager Portal (Organization): Communications > Communications > Launch Communication
  1. Visual Command Center: Situational Awareness > Visual Command Center > Click the Launch Communication button from an alert.


Who can try out the new Communications user flow in the Organization? 

The following Roles can access the new Communications user flow in the Everbridge Manager Portal and in the Visual Command Center (VCC):

  • Account Administrator (non-configurable and enabled)
  • Organization Administrator (non-configurable and enabled)
  • Incident Administrators (configurable and enabled)
  • Incident Operators (configurable and enabled)
  • Mass Notification Operators (configurable and enabled)
  • Group Managers (configurable and enabled)

Pre-requisites for the above Roles to access the new Communications user flow:

  • Everbridge 360™ must be activated for the Organization by an Org Admin.
  • The user must enable the Everbridge 360™  toggle on the top menu pane.

What features can I explore in the revamped Communications user flow?

  • Launch a new Communication from an active Alert in VCC using a predefined Template.
  • Launch a new Communication from an active Alert in VCC without using a predefined Template (use “Everbridge No Template” to populate Organization default settings and customize every section including Message, Attachments, and Recipients).
  • Launch a new Communication in Everbridge 360™ using a predefined Template.
  • Launch a new Communication in Everbridge 360™ without using a predefined Template (use “Everbridge No Template” to populate the Organization default settings and customize every section).
  • Pause a Communication's launch to fix any last-minute issues caught before sending.

What are the available predefined Communication templates?

Communications automatically pulls from existing Notification, Incident and Scenario Templates. Communications are based on the existing Incident module, so Incident and Scenario Templates work natively. Please see the following tied to Notification templates:

  • When Everbridge 360 is enabled for an Organization, all Notification Templates will be automatically duplicated/cloned as an Incident Template.
  • The cloned Template will include the latest modifications to the Notification Template.
  • The cloned Template will be deleted if the associated Notification Template is deleted.
  • Naming convention for the cloned Template - <Name of the Notification Template>_<Template ID>
  • Notification Templates that have the same Category name as the Incident Template Category name will be merged under the same Category when viewed under Communications.
  • Notification Templates that have a different Category name will be listed under the respective Category when viewed under Communications.
  • Organization Administrators and Incident Administrators will not be able to view the cloned Templates on the Incident Templates list page, thereby preventing any modifications to these Templates.
  • No Role will be able to see or select the cloned Templates in the Launch Incident workflow.

Will the Communication be sent to the actual Recipients selected for the Message?

Yes, the Communication will be sent to the selected Recipients via the delivery paths specified in the Communication.

Where can the Communications launched from Everbridge 360™/VCC be found?

Users will be able to view the Communications that have been launched in the following path under an organization: Communications > Incidents > Open/History and Communications > Communications History.

Users will be able to send update/close the Communication via the following standard options available under Incidents:

  • Send update
  • Close – send notification
  • Close – without a notification

Event Types

What is the Event Type in the Launch Communication form?

Event Types define the type of events that impact your organization and are tied to the types of Communications you would like to launch to your contacts. Link every Communication to an Event Type for ease of tracking, reporting, and retrospective capabilities.

Risk-related Event Types (same as Category in Visual Command Center) will be available out of the box. Users can define their own Event Types under Settings > Organization > Everbridge 360 > Event Types when logged into an Everbridge Organization.

NOTE: Event Types is not the same as "Event Name" in Notifications or "Event Type" in Critical Events

Things to consider when creating events based on future potential scope:

  • Auto-suggests active Alerts linked to the selected Event Type.
  • Associate Templates to Event Types.
  • Configure Role permission to Event Types.
  • Communications workflow driven by Event Types.

If Everbridge 360™ is turned off, will the Communications module remain visible in the UI?

No, if Everbridge 360™ is toggled off at the Organization level, the Communications module will not appear. The visibility in the UI is determined by the user's action of enabling the 360 toggle. When the 360 toggle is enabled by a user, the Communications module will appear in the left menu but not in the top menu.

Known issues/limitations

What are the known issues/limitations of Everbridge 360™?

  • Incident Templates with Publishing Options to CAP channels such as WEA, EAS, Google Public Alerts, etc. cannot be used for Communications.
  • Settings configured through Conditions in the selected Incident Template will not be honored in Communications.
  • Publishing Options configured through Conditions in the selected Incident Template will not be honored in Communications.
  • Google auto-translation in Scenarios is not supported.
  • Files larger than 5 MB cannot be attached to a Communication.
  • Closing Instructions (in the Message) in the selected Incident Template cannot be viewed during the launch of a Communication; although the outgoing Message will contain the Closing Instructions.

Everbridge 360™ App Mobile & Desktop

How do you install the Everbridge 360™ mobile app?

For organizations using the Everbridge Mobile App, there may also be interest in the new Everbridge 360™ app.

This app enhances the user experience with a refreshed and optimized interface. A desktop version is also available, offering new capabilities such as full-screen desktop takeover during life-threatening situations. These apps can be downloaded from the Apple App Store (iOS and macOS), Google Play Store (Android), and Microsoft Store (Windows). Later they will also be available via Everbridge.com.

These are the direct links: (NOTE: be careful not to change them in any way - if clicked, then copy the new link, you may inadvertently get the localized version which won’t work in all countries):

Apple App Store: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/everbridge/id1632864063

Google Play Store:  https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.everbridge.enterprise

Microsoft Store: https://apps.microsoft.com/detail/9nxmcpq30m43?hl=en-us&gl=US

How do you set the org code for the Everbridge 360™ mobile app?

An Organization Administrator can enable the availability of the mobile and desktop app for all users.

Org Admins can enable the Everbridge 360™ App through Settings > Everbridge Mobile App > Organization Code.

Everbridge 360™ Future Scope

What enhancements can be expected in Everbridge 360™ in the future?

We expect to release incremental changes every quarter to achieve our goal of offering a unified Critical Event Management Platform.

In future releases, Everbridge 360™ aims to incorporate Communication Updates, a Communication Details Dashboard, Communication Thread Details, Communication Templates, and the ability to send updates/close from the Communications List page.

Additional References

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