EBS: How to View and Edit a Contact’s Quiet Time for Automated Weather Alerts in Everbridge Suite



How to view and edit a contact's quiet time for automated weather alerts.


Automated weather alert quiet times for contacts can be viewed in a contact's profile in two places:

  • Under Delivery Methods
  • Under Alert Subscriptions

Log in to your organization and go to Contacts or Contacts/Assets > Contacts > Contact List > edit a contact using the pencil icon.

Under Delivery Methods - Weather Alert Quiet Time

User-added image

The text displayed under Weather Alert Quiet Time depends on how the following settings are configured:

Settings > Member Portal > Information Collection > Alert Subscriptions > United States > Quite Period Edit > Quite Period Settings > Status On/Off (this is the status of Weather Alert Quiet Time)

Settings > Member Portal > Information Collection > Alert Subscriptions > United States > Quite Period Edit > Quite Period Settings > Automatically apply this option to all contacts

Settings > Member Portal > Information Collection > Alert Subscriptions > United States > Quite Period Edit > Quite Period Settings > Members can modify this option from the Member Portal

Settings > Member Portal > Information Collection > Alert Subscriptions > United States > Quite Period Edit > Quite Period Settings > QUIET PERIOD OVERRIDE

When logged into the Member Portal > Alert Subscriptions > Don't contact me in between


Under Alert Subscriptions - Delivery Methods Quiet Time

User-added image

The text displayed under Delivery Methods Quiet Time depends on how the following setting is configured:
Settings > Organization > Notifications > Delivery Methods > Turn delivery methods on/off and specify quiet periods.

How to Edit the Quiet Time

  1. Click Edit Weather Alert Quiet Time under Alert Subscriptions. The following modal is displayed where the user can edit the time.
  1. Click OK. After the time is saved, the Last Modified By will show the name of the Administrator that modified the time.
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