EBS: Removing Everbridge Break Glass Credentials From Contacts Who Log in to the Member Portal via Single Sign-on (SSO)


How to remove break glass credentials from contacts who log in to the member portal via Single Sign-On.


Break glass credentials can be removed from contacts while still allowing them to log into the member portal via Single Sign-On.

NOTE: By removing member portal break glass credentials, contacts will not be able to access the member portal during an outage.

Removing member portal break glass credentials affects all contacts in an organization. If it is desired to have a few contacts keep their member portal break glass credentials, contact Everbridge Support.

The steps below are available only to Organization Administrators.

  1. Log in to the Manager Portal.
  2. Click on the Contacts tab.
  3. Click on the Advanced search link and select Registered from the drop-down menu.
  4. From the Condition drop-down menu, select true.
  5. Click the Search button.
  6. Click Download. (Do not select any check boxes next to the users' names)
  7. Under the Contacts tab, click on the Uploads sub-tab.
  8. Click on Upload to portal.
  9. Click on the hyperlink to Upload contacts, then locate and select the file saved in step 7.
  10. Select the radio button next to Delete.
  11. Click on the Upload to portal button.
  12. Once the delete process is complete, click on Upload to portal again.
  13. Click on the hyperlink to Upload contacts, then locate and select the file saved in step 7.
  14. Select the radio button next to Update.
  15. Click on the Upload to portal button.

Once the upload is complete, all contacts will only be able to log in to the member portal via Single Sign-On.

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