EBS: How to Create a Custom Report of All Contacts Who Do Not Have a Delivery Method Configured in Their Record


How to create a Report of all Contacts who do not have a delivery method configured in their record.


In the Everbridge Manager Portal under Organization, create a Custom Report.

(Reports > Custom Reports > Create Report.)
  1. From the Report Type drop-down menu select Contacts.
  2. Add the following Fields to the Report:
  • Delivery Method
  • Delivery Method Value
  • Contact First Name
  • Contact Last Name
  1. In the FILTERS section, add the following parameter and values:
  • Field: Created On
  • Condition: is after
  • Value: <date> {select a date that is prior to when the Org was set up.)
  1. Download the report as a CSV file.
  2. Sort the report on Delivery Method and Delivery Method Value so the blank records show at the top.
  3. Optionally delete the remaining records from the CSV report. This way your report will consist of only Contacts with no Delivery Method configured in their record.

User-added image
  • Open the Excel spreadsheet
  • Highlight the Delivery Method column
  • Select sort and filter on the top right, then click filter
  • Click the drop down arrow next to Delivery Methods
  • Uncheck select all to remove all checks in the check boxes
  • Check blanks which should be at the bottom of the list
  • Optionally remove any users with delivery methods so that the report only shows Contacts with no delivery methods.
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