Expected location times are not expiring for a contact.
Root Cause:
Contact expiration date and time were not loaded properly or was missing.
Ensure that the Expiration date and time is uploaded in the appropriate format:
- Set the Date and Time Format with a Time Zone Designator (TZD).
- Example: March 14, 2016 at 10:07:30AM Pacific Daylight Time is 2016-03-14T10:07:30.000-08:00.
- The Date format is: YYYY-MM-DD
- The Time delimiter is: T (required)
- The Time format can be one of the following:
- hh:mm:ss (hours-minutes-seconds) Example: 10:07:30
- hh:mm:ssZZ (hours-minutes-seconds-TZD) Example: 10:07:30+08:00. The TZD is the offset from UTC as + or - hours and minutes (HH:MM) (required).
- hh:mm:ss.SSSZZ (hours-minutes-seconds-TZD) Example: 10:07:30.000+08:00 or 10:07:30.000Z. If the time element is in UTC time, then the TZD can be expressed as Z. Either the UTC ± or the Z is required.
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