
Contact Record Status:

Loaded with error

Error Message:

     UPLOADCONTACT_ADDRESS_LOCATION_ID_NOT_EXISTS: Location Id {#}: {Location ID provided in file}

NOTE: Contact Upload file failure error messages may be viewed under Contacts >  Uploads User-added image. Clicking on the User-added image icon next to the desired upload file brings you to the Upload Results page, where the error is displayed.

Root Cause:

This error can occur for a couple of reasons, which will be explained with examples. The "Location Id {#}" portion of the error message will correspond to the Location Id column containing the value that caused the error.  The "{Location ID provided in file}" portion of the error message will provide the value provided for the Location Id in the CSV upload file. 

  • Location ID Does Not Match Predefined Values - The location Id value given in the CSV upload file does not precisely match that of a predefined building External ID

  • Safety Connection Buildings Are Not Active - The organization does not include the Safety Connection premium feature. 


Please see the solutions below for each of the different root causes of the error. 

Root Cause - Location ID Does Not Match Predefined Values

The UPLOADCONTACT_ADDRESS_LOCATION_ID_NOT_EXISTS error will occur if the value for Location Id in the CSV upload file does not precisely match the External ID for a Safety Connection Building. 

 Location Id upload error UI

The following CSV upload file caused the errors above. 

Location ID Error Excel

Below is a screenshot of the Safety Connection buildings for this organization. Please note that the values given in the upload file, "Home12345" & "work2222" do not precisely match any of the External IDs shown below. This field is case-sensitive. 

Safety Connection Buildings - UI

To prevent the error in this example, the Location Id 1 given in the CSV upload file for contact John Doe "Home12345" would need to be changed to "home12345" (lowercase h) to match the External ID for the "Home - Garfield Ave" building. The Location Id 1 given for contact Jane Doe, "work2222" would need to be changed to "work12345" to match the External ID for the "Work - Lake Ave." If Jane Doe is not supposed to be associated with the "Work - Lake Ave" building, then the appropriate building would need to be added to the system with an External ID of "work2222". Below is an example CSV upload file with the changes made. 

CSV upload file fixed

Root Cause - Safety Connection Buildings Are Not Active

The UPLOADCONTACT_ADDRESS_LOCATION_ID_NOT_EXISTS error will occur if the CSV upload has a value for Location Id, but the organization does not include the Safety Connection premium feature. Follow the steps below to determine if your organization includes Safety Connection buildings:

  1. Log in to the Manager Portal and select the appropriate organization from the upper right-hand corner.
  2. Select Universe from the top menu bar.
  3. Choose Select Contacts from the menu on the left.
  4. Select Display Layers from the sub-menu.
  5. If you see an option for Building Layer, then your organization includes Safety Connection buildings. If you do not see this option and are interested in this feature, please contact your Everbridge Account Manager. 
Building Layer
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