EBS: Contact Upload Error Code: 'Phone column is empty for defined country'


Contact Record Status:

Loaded with error

Error Message:

     Phone column is empty for defined country: {Contact Path}

NOTE: Contact Upload file failure error messages may be viewed under Contacts >  Uploads User-added image. Clicking on the User-added image icon next to the desired upload file brings you to the Upload Results page where the error is displayed.

Root Cause:

This error means that a contact path country code was provided without a corresponding contact path value.


Only provide a contact path country code if a corresponding contact path value is included in the upload file to avoid this error. 


Phone column is empty for defined country - UI Error

The following upload file would cause the above errors because "US" is provided in Phone Country 1, but no contact path value is provided in column Phone 1.

 Phone column is empty for defined country - CSV

The following upload file is corrected. The country code value has been removed for column Phone Country 1 because a value for Phone 1 is not provided.

  Phone column is empty for defined country - CSV Fixed

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