EBS: Contact Upload Error Code: 'Groups column value is improperly formatted'


Contact Record Status:

Loaded with error

Error Message:

     Groups column value is improperly formatted: Groups#: {Group Name}

NOTE: Contact Upload file failure error messages may be viewed under Contacts >  Uploads User-added image. Clicking on the User-added image icon next to the desired upload file brings you to the Upload Results page where the error is displayed.

Root Cause:

This error means that the group name provided is invalid. The "Groups#" portion of the error message indicates the position the invalid group is in. This error can have two different causes:

  • The value in the Groups column has consecutive pipe symbols. (e.g., Alpha | Bravo || Charlie | Delta)
  • A group name provided in the Groups column is longer than 260 characters. 


Avoid consecutive pipe symbols and group names longer than 260 characters.  

Example 1:

Phone column is empty for defined country - UI Error

The following upload file would cause the above errors because there are consecutive pipe symbols in the value for the Groups column. 

 Phone column is empty for defined country - CSV

Example 2:

UI Error - Group Name Over 260 Characters
The following upload file would cause the above errors because one of the group names in the Groups column is over 260 characters long. 

CSV with group name over 260 characters

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