Mobile: Contacts Cannot Submit a Request via the Everbridge Mobile App



Contacts cannot submit requests via the Everbridge Mobile App (EMA).

Root Causes:

There are a few reasons contacts may encounter difficulty submitting requests via the EMA.

  1. They cannot find the Requests page in the EMA. To find it, they must navigate to Feed > Events, click on the meatballs menu in the upper right, tap Requests, and tap on the request form they would like to submit.
  1. They cannot find the right request form. If this is the case, the form may not be shared with them. To ensure the form is shared with the right contacts, navigate to Critical Events > Forms in the Manager Portal, select the forms you'd like to share, click Actions, click Share with contacts, and then choose the individuals, groups, and/or rules you would like to share the form with.
  1. They are looking for the wrong term. You can change the name of Requests in the Manager Portal settings (see the screenshot to the right). If you have changed the name of Requests to something else (e.g., Journals or Submissions), your contacts will still see them labeled Requests in the EMA.
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