Intended Audience: Customers who have one or more dedicated phone number provisioned to them (example: for use with Smart Conference or Premium Audio Bulletin Board).

Phone Number Regulatory Requirements Overview

Many countries around the world have begun enforcing stricter rules around how, and by whom, their phone numbers are used. There are various reasons for this increased scrutiny, including telephone fraud, heightened national security concerns, and pressure on the limited availability of phone numbers.

As a result of this increased scrutiny on phone numbers, our telephony operators have begun requiring that we provide certain identity documentation, from the organization using a provisioned phone number, which they can then pass on to local regulators or carriers.

If you will be using a client-dedicated phone number (example: with the Smart Conference or Premium Audio Bulletin Board feature) in countries that have these requirements, then Everbridge will need to gather certain documentation requested by our telephony operators. Typically, you will be asked for the necessary documentation at time of your Everbridge implementation. If you already have a provisioned phone number that you’re using in a country, and that country adds or modifies their regulatory requirements, then you may be contacted by your Everbridge account manager for documents to help in the regulatory compliance process.

If you are unable to provide all the requested information, then you risk the possibility of Everbridge not being able to provision a phone number in your requested country, or if you already have a phone number for a country where documentation is being requested for, then you risk that phone number’s service from being disconnected by the telephony operators.


What is the process for providing the Everbridge requested address verification documents?

When address verification is required, you will be asked for the necessary documentation and information by your Everbridge Account Manager, or a member of our Technical Support or Implementation team. The person contacting you will have a list of documents necessary and should be able to answer all your related questions. The requested documentation and information should be gathered provided to the requestor as soon as possible.

How is Everbridge handling privacy around the collected documents that contain personal data?

Everbridge takes data privacy and security very seriously, which is shown by our various certifications shown here:

Why is Everbridge collecting these documents and this data?

Everbridge must collect the documents and personal data requested on behalf of our telephony operators and we have legitimate interests for doing so, including regulatory obligations and fraud and abuse prevention. Accordingly, the collection of this data is lawful under privacy law. Although we must collect the data, we remain conscious that the data being collected is personal and we must treat it accordingly.

Who will we share the documents and data with?

To the extent required to comply with any applicable regulatory obligations, we will share the documents and personal data that you have provided to us with telephony operators that Everbridge uses in the provision of its services.

What security measures will Everbridge apply to this data?

Everbridge has implemented, and will maintain throughout the duration that it holds this personal data, technical, physical, administrative and organizational safeguards designed to protect the confidentiality, security, and integrity of the personal data, including measures aimed at protecting the personal data against accidental or unlawful destruction or accidental loss, alteration, unauthorized disclosure or access, and against all other unlawful forms of processing and anticipated threats or hazards.

What rights do data subjects have?

By providing us with any documents that contain an individual’s personal data, you confirm that you have obtained the individual’s required consent, or are relying on other legitimate grounds, that authorizes Everbridge to hold and share such personal data and documents as outlined in this article. Everbridge agrees to provide you with such assistance as is reasonably necessary in the event that a data subject exercises any of its rights under applicable data privacy laws.

How long will Everbridge hold the documents?

Everbridge will retain the documents, and the personal data stored within them, for as long as it is required to do so to comply with any applicable regulatory obligations.

How is Everbridge handling any commercial confidential information contained in the documents?

Any commercial confidential information contained within the documents that you provide to Everbridge will be held subject to the confidentiality that should be in place within your applicable service contract with Everbridge.

Where can I find the official regulatory requirements published from each country’s regulatory body?

Our requirement are those provided to us by our telephony operators, which in turn is a synthesis of multiple sources. Therefore, these requirements cannot be found verbatim in local regulations. Our operators use multiple sources to derive the necessary requirements, including, but not limited to: the text of the regulations, direct conversations with regulators, the judgment and interpretation of their legal counsel, industry best practices, the standards of telephone carriers, and their experience in handling requests by government and law enforcement agencies.

What if I have questions that are not answered in this page?

You can address all regulatory questions to your designated Account Manager or our Technical Support team. These parties can then pass your questions to the appropriate person(s) at Everbridge to be addressed appropriately.

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