EBS: Understanding Call Result Messages for Notifications in Everbridge Suite

The tables below show call results for notifications.

All Path Types

Call Result


Not Attempted - Inactive Path

Delivery path was disabled using the quiet time settings.

Not Delivered - Contact Path Not Defined

No contact path defined.

Not Delivered - Duplicate Path

De-Dup is enabled and there were multiple contacts with the same contact path information.

Not Delivered - Exceed Max Contact Limit

Conference broadcast has restriction on max contact count.

Not Delivered - Notification Expired

Broadcast expired prior to attempt.

EMAIL/SMTP Call Results

Call Result



Message was initiated.


The confirmation was received for email notification.

Not Attempted - Unsubscribed

Recipient's email/SMTP path is on the unsubscribe list.

Not Delivered - Bounced Email

Investigate why the email was not delivered to resolve and resend/rebroadcast the notification.

SMS Call Results




Message was initiated.

Delivered - To Carrier

Message delivered to recipient’s mobile carrier.

Delivered - To Handset

Message delivered to recipient's device. Note that not all carriers support this.


The confirmation was received for SMS notification.

Confirmed by Call Back

Recipient called in to confirm receipt of message.

Not Attempted - Email Preferred over SMS

Recipient's SMS path was skipped in preference for email delivery path.

Not Attempted - Invalid Path

The contact path is invalid. Typically, this will occur if the phone number (i.e. SMS, voice, fax, pager) is a number that is not considered valid for the given country.

Not Attempted - Throttling Time Exceeded

Phone call attempt was placed into voice throttling queue, when time came for the phone call to be made the contact had already confirmed via a different delivery path.

Not Attempted - Unsubscribed

Recipient's SMS path is on the unsubscribe list.

Not Delivered - Carrier Expired

Message unable to be delivered within 24 hours.

Not Delivered - Carrier Rejected

Message was rejected by the recipient's mobile carrier or SMS Operator.

Not Delivered - Downstream Communication Error

Error received from recipient’s mobile carrier or SMS Operator.

Not Delivered - Everbridge System Error

Could not be delivered due to internal Everbridge error.

Not Delivered - Invalid Number

Message could not be delivered due to invalid number. For example, number is landline that does not accept SMS messages.


See knowledge article EBS: Understanding SMS Call Results in Everbridge Suite for details about SMS Call Results.

Voice Call Results

Call Result



Placing the phone call.


Successfully played the message to recipient.

Delivered - To Voicemail

We detected a machine, and played the message and confirmation information (if confirmation is enabled).


Recipient pressed button to confirm, or made polling selection.

Confirmed by Call Back

Recipient called in to confirm receipt of message.

Confirmed - Conference Call Ended

Recipient pressed button to join conference, joined the conference, and has now left the conference, or the conference ended.

Confirmed - Declined to Join Conference Call

Recipient pressed button to decline joining conference bridge or pressed button to unsubscribe from further phone notifications.

Confirmed - On Conference Call

Recipient pressed button to join conference, and is currently on conference bridge.

Not Attempted - Invalid Path

The contact path is invalid. Typically, this will occur if the phone number (i.e. SMS, voice, fax, pager) is a number that is not considered valid for the given country.

Not Attempted - Unsubscribed

Recipient's phone path is on the unsubscribe list.

Not Delivered - Blocked Phone Number

Calls to this phone number are prohibited by Everbridge policy.

Not Delivered - Contact Unavailable

The recipient's phone may be switched off or out of range, or unavailable for some other reason. This can also happen if a recipient is blocking calls from the Sender Caller ID associated with the notification call.

Not Delivered - Downstream Communication Error1

Any other error that occurs when completing the call through the telephony provider. The most common cause of this error is that the caller ID does not adhere to the rules and regulations in the destination country. Be sure you are using an appropriate caller ID for the countries you are calling. See knowledge article EBS: Troubleshooting Known Voice Call Limitations and Anomalies in Everbridge Suite for more information.

Not Delivered - Downstream Temporary Error1

Temporary failure with the downstream network; may be indicative of network congestion or lack of available phone line capacity at time of call. To help reduce the impact of local or business telephone capacity limitations on call delivery, please view the following article: Call Throttling.

Not Delivered - Everbridge System Error

The call could not be attempted due to an error in the platform.

Not Delivered - Incorrect Security Code

We detected a recipient, played the greeting, and asked for the security code. The recipient failed to enter the correct code multiple times, so we said goodbye and hung up.

Not Delivered - Invalid Number

Telephony provider indicated that the number is not valid.

Not Delivered - Line Busy1

Received busy signal from provider.

Not Delivered - No Answer

The phone continuously rang for 60 seconds with no answer (possibly due to no answering machine or voicemail). This could also be indicative of certain voice filtering software/settings, such as spam call filtering, which may cause the call not to ring on the subscriber's phone.

Not Delivered - Out of Service

Received out of service signal from provider.

Not Delivered - Recipient Hung Up

We detected a human, but they hung up before we finished playing the message.

Not Delivered - Voicemail Hung Up

We detected a machine, but it hung up before we finished playing the message or confirmation information (if confirmation is enabled).

Not Delivered - Voicemail Setting is Off

We detected a machine, but broadcast settings prohibit leaving a message, so we hung up.

  1. Depending on the specific response code received back from the downstream carrier, our system will retry certain voice calls. We will retry a call up to two times, for a total of three attempts including the initial attempt, at 15 second intervals each. Note that the call result shown for a call is based on the last attempt. For example, the first attempt may have yielded a call result of Downstream Temporary Error, the second attempt may have yielded a call result of Downstream Communication Error, and the third attempt yielded a call result of Line Busy. Since Line Busy is the result from the last attempt, this is what will be shown as the call result for the call as a whole.

Mobile Call Results (e.g. Everbridge Mobile app)

Call Result



Message was initated.


The confirmation was received for mobile notification.

Not Delivered - Communication Error

Could not deliver to device due to transmission error.

Not Delivered - Everbridge System Error

Could not be delivered due to internal Everbridge error.

Not Delivered - No Associated Device

Could not deliver notification to the Everbridge Mobile app; no device IDs are available for this contact; recipient removed account from the Everbridge Mobile app.

Not Delivered - No Push Service

Could not deliver to device due to connector not being configured for GCM/APNS push service, or error push service type.

Not Delivered - Unregistered Device

Could not deliver to device due to user having uninstalled the application or turned off notifications to cause GCM service to return unregistered device error code.

Fax Call Results

Call Result



Message was initiated.


Notification was delivered to recipient.

Confirmed by Call Back

Recipient called in to confirm receipt of message.

Not Attempted - Invalid Path

The contact path is invalid. Typically, this will occur if the phone number (i.e. SMS, voice, fax, pager) is a number that is not considered valid for the given country.

Not Delivered - Communication Error

Communication error, could not deliver to Remote device.

Not Delivered - Everbridge System Error

Could not be delivered due to internal Everbridge error.

Not Delivered - Line Busy

Fax was not delivered - Line Busy. (error Code 4)

Not Delivered - No Answer

Fax was not delivered - Ringback was detected, but called party fax did not connect (answer) the call. (error Code 5)

Not Delivered - No Fax Machine

Fax was not delivered - Fax was not detected on the receiving end. Receiving end was a voice answer or voice mail/answering machine.

Not Delivered - Recipient Hung Up

Fax was not delivered - Disconnect occurred at some point during trasmission.

Pager Call Results (Numeric and Alpha Pager via WCTP/Voice/SMTP)

Call Result



Message was initiated.

Confirmed by Call Back

Recipient called in to confirm receipt of message.

Not Attempted - Invalid Path

The contact path is invalid. Typically, this will occur if the phone number (i.e. SMS, voice, fax, pager) is a number that is not considered valid for the given country.

Not Delivered - Communication Error

Received error from provider.

Not Delivered - Hung Up

The call was disconnected before completing the delivery of message to pager.

Not Delivered - Invalid Number

Telephony provider indicated that the pager number is not valid.

Not Delivered - Line Busy

Received busy signal from provider.

Not Delivered - No Answer

The call was connected (ringing) but not answered.

Not Delivered - Out of Service

Received out of service signal from provider.

TTY Call Results

Call Result



Message was initiated.

Confirmed by Call Back

Recipient called in to confirm receipt of message.

Not Attempted - Invalid Path

The contact path is invalid. Typically, this will occur if the phone number (i.e. SMS, voice, fax, pager) is a number that is not considered valid for the given country.

Not Delivered - Communication Error

TTY gateway would not process message due to coding error. The message was not delivered to TTY device.

Not Delivered - Device Not Detected

A person answered and not a TTY device.

Not Delivered - Everbridge System Error

Could not be delivered due to internal Everbridge error.

Not Delivered - Invalid Number

Number should be 10 digits.

Not Delivered - Line Busy

Not connected, line busy.

Not Delivered - No Answer

The phone continuously rang for 60 seconds with no answer (possibly due to no answering machine or voicemail).

Not Delivered - Out of Service

TTY number is no longer in service.

Not Delivered - Voicemail Detected

Answering machine answered the call.

TAP Call Results - Interpage

Call Result



Message was initiated.


Delivered to TAP terminal.

Confirmed by Call Back

Recipient called in to confirm receipt of message.

Not Attempted - Invalid Path

The contact path is invalid. Typically, this will occur if the phone number (i.e. SMS, voice, fax, pager) is a number that is not considered valid for the given country.

Not Delivered - Communication Error

Communication error, could not deliver to Remote device.

Not Delivered - Everbridge System Error

Could not be delivered due to internal Everbridge error.

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  • The 'unreachable' call result should be added to this doc.  'Unreachable' means that the contact does not have any of the delivery methods in their record that is used in the notification.
