EBS: SMS Character Counter When Using the Single SMS Feature of SmartPath in Everbridge Suite

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How many characters does Single SMS support?

  • When the message contains only GSM-7 characters – 160 characters.
  • When the message contains at least one non-GSM-7 character – 70 characters.

NOTE: When "Include Title in SMS Messages" is enabled, the Notification Title is counted against the SMS Character Counter. When disabled, it will not count against the SMS Character Counter.
How many characters does Single SMS support

Why does Everbridge show 120 as the SMS Character Counter when Single SMS supports 160?

To improve the user experience, Everbridge displays "120" as the SMS Character Counter to account for any optional features, which reduces the number of characters that display on the recipient's device. Users can always type more than the 120 characters if they are not going to use those features.
Why does Everbridge show 120 as the SMS Character Counter when Single SMS supports 160

Roughly how many SMS characters will remain when multiple optional features are used?

Roughly how many SMS characters will remain when multiple optional features are used




Maximum Characters Available for SMS



+ Confirmation Instructions (~34 characters)



+ Short URL Confirmation (~69 characters)

NOTE: This option includes Confirmation Instructions.



+ Member Portal Publishing Option (~35 characters)



+ SMART Weather URL (~35 characters)



NOTE: The table above shows how many SMS characters are remaining when multiple features are enabled at the same time in descending order.

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