EBS: How Are the Private Key and Keystore Password Used for IPAWS Notifications in Everbridge Suite?


How are the private key and keystore password used for IPAWS notifications in Everbridge Suite?


Keystore Text File Example

The private key and keystore password are available in a .txt file which is included with an IPAWS certificate provided by FEMA.

Both values appear on one line in the .txt file, which may cause confusion when determining which value to enter for the private key or the keystore password in Everbridge Suite.

Keystore Text File Separated

For ease of use, insert a new line before key to separate the two values, as shown in the image to the right.

Entering Credentials

When entering credentials for IPAWS notifications, or when viewing a COG profile, enter the keystore value in the Keystore Password field, and the key value in the Private Key field.

Using the above examples, 0000aaa#aBa would be entered in the Private Key field, and t2st#0000 would be entered in the Keystore Password field.

For more information on integrating IPAWS with an Everbridge organization, see knowledge article EBS: How Are IPAWS Credentials Stored in an Everbridge Organization?

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