EBS: How to Configure What Information Fields Are Visible to Contacts in the Member Portal in Everbridge Suite


How to configure the member portal in Everbridge Suite.


To configure the information fields visible to contacts using the member portal, follow the steps below:

  1. Log in to the Manager Portal and select the appropriate organization from the upper right-hand corner.
  2. Click on the Settings tab from the top of the page.
  3. Select the Member Portal sub-tab.
  4. Select Information Collection from the left.

There are five categories of information fields available to configure, each accessible by selecting it from the sub-menu and explained in kind below.

Help Text Edit
  • Clicking the 'Help & Answer' text link on any of the category pages allows for editing the help text available to contacts when logged into the member portal.
  • Enter the desired information in the text field and click OK to save the changes.


Member Portal Settings Profile

The profile page allows contacts to edit and/or view information on their profile. The following configurations are available:

  • Selecting Expose reveals the desired information field.
  • Selecting Editable allows contacts to enter their information into the field.
  • Selecting Mandatory requirescontacts to enter their information into the field.

After your configurations are complete, click Save.


Member Portal Settings Location

The locations page allows the collection of address information from contacts. The following configurations are available:

  • Selecting both Expose and Editable allows contacts to add and edit their address information.
  • Selecting Mandatory requires contacts to enter at least one address in order to update their member profile.
  • If Editable has been selected, the Use a Geo-Fence to control addresses feature can restrict the addresses contacts add to an area or areas pre-defined by a shape or shapes saved to the organization's shapes folder. Any addresses outside of the geo-fence contacts attempt to add to their profile will not be saved or used for location based alerts. Follow the steps below to set a geo-fence:
    1. Select the checkbox next to Use a Geo-Fence to control addresses.
    2. Click the Edit Geo-Fence link.
    3. Select the desired shape from your organization's available shapes by selecting its corresponding checkbox.
    4. Click Save.
  • Selecting Add addresses even if outside of fence with a geo-fence applied allows any addresses contacts add to be saved and used for location based alerts. This feature allows a user to review a report of any addresses added that are outside of the organization's geo-fence.

After the configurations are complete, click Save.

Alert Subscriptions

Member Portal Settings Alert Subscriptions

The alert subscriptions page determines which of the organization's alerts are either able to be selected by contacts, or are automatically assigned to their profiles.

  • Selecting Display contacts to decide whether or not to subscribe to notifications triggered by the alert.
  • Selecting Required automatically assigns the alert subscription to all contacts using the member portal.

After configurations are complete, click Save.

If the organization has Automated Weather Alerts enabled, information regarding weather alert status, quiet periods and templates can be found in the following articles:


Member Portal Settings Additional Information

The information page determines what additional information is exposed to contacts using the member portal. The following configurations are available:

  • Selecting Expose reveals the desired information field to contacts.
  • Selecting Editable allows contacts to enter their information into the field.
  • Selecting Mandatory requires contacts to enter their information into the field.

After the configurations are complete, click Save.

Delivery Methods

Member Portal Settings Delivery Methods

The delivery methods page determines which delivery methods are available to contacts to receive notifications on. The following configurations are available:

  • Selecting Allow Members to re-order delivery methods lets contacts specify the order in which they want to be contacted.
  • Selecting Expose reveals the desired information field to contacts.
  • Selecting Editable allows contacts to enter their information into the field.
  • Selecting Mandatory requires contacts to enter their information into the field.
  • Set the minimum number of required contact paths contacts will need to enter by selecting the value from the dropdown menu.

After configuration are complete, click Save.

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