How to extend a Smart Conference Bridge beyond four hours?
The four-hour Smart Conference Bridges limit applies to the time that each individual caller enters the call. While this limit cannot be directly extended, there are ways to effectively continue the conference beyond four hours. Keep in mind the following when using a Smart Conference Bridge:
- Each Smart Conference Bridge caller can be on the call for four hours at a time. At four hours, the caller will be disconnected.
- About one minute prior to a caller's four-hour time limit, the session will be momentarily interrupted for an end-of-session alert message. The caller will be given the option to have the system call them back to reconnect to the call.
- Everbridge recommends callback numbers that have not blocked conference call numbers and aren't restricted or anonymous numbers.
- Smart Conference Bridges will continue for as long as there is at least one caller on the line.
- Any callers who hang up or are disconnected can dial back in to the Smart Conference Bridge with a fresh four-hour time limit.
- There is no limit to how many times a caller can rejoin a Smart Conference Bridge, effectively allowing the conference to continue indefinitely.
An active Smart Conference Bridge will display the estimated end time of the call, which is four hours from the time the call begins. The estimated end time can be used to notify any callers who joined at the start time that they should leave the call and dial back in. If callers need to dial back in, at least one caller needs to remain on the call to allow the others to rejoin. This process can be repeated as many times as needed to extend the conference beyond the initial four-hour limit.
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