EBS: How Long Does the Geocoding Process Take When Uploading Contacts to Everbridge Suite?


How long does the geocoding process take when uploading contacts to Everbridge Suite?


When uploading contacts, all records are immediately loaded into the database and made available as the file is ingested. At this point, all contacts are available for notification selection while the geocoding results are returned. Any contact whose address is submitted without a latitude and longitude coordinate for geocoding will not be immediately available for selection from the Universe tab, but will be available for selection by using either filtering rules or the advanced search feature.

Geocoding requests occur whenever addresses are uploaded, and the process does not distinguish between previously geocoded addresses. For instance, if an existing contact file is updated with any number of additional addresses and is uploaded, both new and current addresses will create geocoding requests. Further, one address creates one geocoding request. Everbridge is limited by its geocoding provider to a limited amount of geocoding requests in a 24-hour period. In order to best utilize the tool, addresses are submitted for geocoding in batches throughout the day.

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