EBS: Everbridge Authentication Service FAQ

    1. Why does Everbridge have a centralized authentication service?

    • Single Sign-On for all Everbridge applications.
    • Faster enhancements of authentication features.
    • Easier integration with third-party applications.

    2. How does this benefit me?

    • If you are a VCC and Manager Portal user, logging into Manager Portal as an Organization Administrator and then opening Visual Command Center (VCC) will automatically sign you into VCC. You will not be prompted to enter your credentials for VCC again. Similarly, logging into VCC will automatically sign you into Manager Portal.

    3. I use Manager Portal only. How will this impact me?

    Everbridge CAS URL
    • When you enter https://manager.everbridge.net or click your Manager Portal bookmark, login as you would normally. On your second login, you will notice the link will change to a new login URL that looks like this: https://authentication.everbridge.net/cas/login?service=https://manager.everbridge.net/docms/j_spring_cas_security_check. Login and use Manager Portal as you normally do.

    4. I use VCC and Manager Portal. How will this impact me?

    • As a VCC user with Account Admin permissions in the Manager Portal, you will need to explicitly log out of Manager Portal before logging into the VCC portal. This is because Account Administrators do not currently have permissions to VCC.
    • Clearing your browser cookie will land your login back to https://manager.everbridge.net. Log in with your credentials and on the next login attempt, you will be directed to the new login URL.

    5. Password Management Tools

    • If you are using a password management tool, you may need to change the URL of the site profile to the new URL above.

    6. Automation and Bots

    • If you are using a third-party automation tool, you may need to update the tool based on the new URL page.

    7. Known Issues

    • Clicking the "Logout" button in Manager Portal may take up to five minutes to log you out of VCC.
    • Explicitly logging out from VCC will not log you out of Manager Portal.

    8. What can I expect during maintenance periods?

    • While we don't anticipate issues during upgrades, some users logging into Manager Portal or VCC could experience login errors. Contact Everbridge Support if you experience issues during known upgrade windows. Service advisories will be sent in advance of these maintenance windows.
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    • Not helpful. Where is the article telling the user how to set up authenticator?

      (Edited )