EBS: CSV Upload File Phone Number Country Format for Contact Uploads in Everbridge Suite


An explanation and examples for indicating the country for a phone number in a CSV upload file.


There are two ways to indicate the country for a phone number in a CSV upload file:

  • The CSV upload file can provide the ISO 3166 two-character alpha country code or country name and the phone number without the numeric country code.
  • The file may be formatted to contain the phone number with the numeric country calling code and not the two-character alpha country code or country name. 

Phone Number and Country Name or ISO 3166 Two-Character Country Code

One method to indicate a country for a phone number is to provide the phone number, as it would be dialed as a local number, in the applicable phone or SMS field and then give the country name or ISO 3166  two-character country code in the corresponding country field. Please see the following examples of acceptable formatting of a CSV as viewed in Microsoft Excel:

User-added image

Notice in the example that the phone numbers included in the Phone 1 field do not include the numeric country calling codes. The numbers are provided as they would be dialed as a local call in their respective countries.

For information on acceptable country names or two-character country codes, please see the following article:
000001412 - How To Upload Country Names for Contact Records in Everbridge Suite

Phone Number With Numeric Country Calling Code

The other method to indicate the country for a phone number is to provide the phone number with the country calling code in the applicable phone or SMS field and NOT include a country in the corresponding country field. The + sign before the country calling code MUST be included when using this formatting method. Microsoft Excel may make unwanted changes to your file if a value starts with a + (such as stripping out the + signs), so it is not recommended to view or edit your CSV in Excel if using this formatting method. For this reason, the properly formatted examples below are shown in the program Notepad++.

User-added image

The example shows that the phone numbers contain + and the country calling code. +45 is used for the phone number from Denmark, and +1 for the United States phone number. The Phone Country 1 field is intentionally empty. 

A non-Everbridge source for country calling codes may be found on the Wikipedia page here: List of Country Calling Codes

Information That Applies to either Method

For information on the logic when a country is not provided, or how the system determines the country when a numeric calling code covers more than one country, please see the following article: 
000044209 - How Is the Country for a Contact Determined if No Country Code Is Defined in the Contact Upload File and the Dial-in Code Is Shared With Multiple Countries?

For information on phone number formatting, including delimiters, please see the following article:
000059296 - CSV Upload File Phone Number Format - Delimiters

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