

Descriptions of the Quick Reports available in Everbridge.


Everbridge Suite provides a set of pre-configured reports called Quick Reports available under the Reports tab at the Organization level. Also available under the Reports tab is a Custom Reports option which is a report builder that allows you to configure your own reports in the case where no Quick Report meets your specific reporting requirements. Below is a description of each Quick Report option.

Note: For some Quick Reports to be available, they need to be enabled by Everbridge Technical Support. If you are reading this article, and you see a report missing from your Quick Reports drop-down menu, that means that report has not been enabled for your organization. You may optionally contact Everbridge Technical Support to have the report enabled.

User-added image

To run a Quick Report, choose the appropriate report from the drop-down menu. Depending on the report, you may need to fill in some additional information and your options to see the report will vary between View Report, Download CSV, and Generate the Report.

Addresses Outside Geo-Fence:

Displays a chart of the contacts that have a geocoded latitude/longitude outside of the configured geo-fence shape file. This report can be exported to be used as a deletion file or for investigation. The chart will only display if the entire organization contact count is below 30,000. Even if the chart is empty, the empty chart will be emailed to you. This can be useful for anyone that wants to analyze data outside of a given area and is most often used in reviewing older State and Local Government (SLG) accounts.

Chat Summary Report:

Displays a chart that shows how many contacts can chat and the number of Active/Inactive contacts in the last month where "Active" means those contacts that have chatted. A second chart displays the number of chat messages sent in the past six months.

Chat Transcript Report:

Allows you to search through Incidents that contained chats by name or group. The export will contain the chat sender's name, content and time stamp. There are also columns for Delivered and Seen.

Community Subscribers:

Contact Performance by Incident:

An emailed report for a specified period of time which summarizes how many incidents each contact has received, along with counts of their responses and the average time to respond. The detailed report will list each of the messages you see summarized, with the details for each.

Contact Tracing Application Report:

Reports on all contacts and shows if they have the Everbridge Mobile App (EMA) and/or the Contact Tracing App.

Contact Tracing Report:

A two-line report showing the daily count of how many people have self-reported in the first line and the count of exposure events in the second line.

Custom Form Button Report:

Provides a daily count of how many times a button was pushed on the Everbridge Mobile App (EMA).

Detailed Notification Analysis:

Also known as a "DNA" report, provides a detailed list of the individual call results per delivery method (vs by contact), the total number of call attempts, and more detailed results such as busy, hung up, connection errors. A new feature will show a report icon next to both notifications and incident notifications, letting anyone with access to that broadcast be able to run this same DNA report from there.

Detailed Notification Usage Report:

For a selected date range, emails a report on the credit usage for the time selected.

Escalation Summary:

When you select a notification that used contact escalation, this report provides all levels of that communication in a single view. (Similar to Event Analysis - Notifications only.)

Event Analysis:

Shows the summary of information across the notifications that are part of an event.

Group Performance by Incident:

An emailed report for a specified period of time, this will give you a summary of how many incidents each group has received, along with counts of their response and the average time to respond. The detailed report will list each of the messages you see summarized, with the details for each.

Group Summary:

Exports a list of groups and their associated calendars. As of January 2022, it also includes a count of how many contacts are in each group.

Location/Check-in Summary:

Emails a report filtered by name and/or time frame from one hour to six months listing that person's check-ins. The report includes Member Name, Record Type, Time, Latitude and Longitude.

Mobile Users Not Reporting Location:

Emails a report filtered by a time frame ranging from one hour to six months listing all contacts with the Everbridge Mobile App (EMA) enabled. There is a column for Last Reported that indicates when that contact stopped reporting a location.

Nixle Event Subscribers:

This report requires the customer to be a Nixle customer. This will show you the summary the contacts who have subscribed to an event within Nixle.

Notification Summary:

Shows how many notifications were launched each month in the selected time frame. Additionally, it will show the type of notification launched. This report only shows in three month spans.

Phone/Emergency Call Summary:

SOS Summary:

Shows when the SOS button is enabled in the Mobile App settings in the Manager Portal.

Unsubscribe Requests:

Provides an option to download a CSV file of the contacts who have unsubscribed from receiving notifications.

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