EBS: All Delivery Methods Are Returned When Filtering by a Single Delivery Method When Creating a Custom Contacts Report in Everbridge Suite


All delivery methods are returned when filtering by a single delivery method when creating a Custom Contacts Report.

            User-added image

Root Cause:

This is by design.


Custom reports return multiple rows for the same contact when DATA fields that have multiple values are included. For example, by using delivery method as a DATA field, each contact will have a new row for each delivery method it has in the organization.

Follow the steps below to generate this report:

  1. Log in to the Manager Portal and select the desired organization from the upper right-hand corner.
  2. Select the Reports tab, then Create Report.
  3. Select the Contacts report type from the drop down menu on the left.
  4. Add a DATA field for Contact First Name by dragging it from the left.
  5. Add a DATA field for Contact Last Name by dragging it from the left.
  6. Add a DATA field for Delivery Method by dragging it from the left.
  7. Add a FILTERS field for Delivery Method by dragging it from the left
  8. Select contains for the Condition and select a single value (i.e. Email 2). contact custom report
  9. Select the Preview Report button.
    1. Every contact that has the Email 2 delivery method configured is returned (based on the filter).
    2. Also every other delivery method configured for that contact is returned, each on a separate row (based on delivery method being included in the DATA field ).

NOTE: If it is desired to report only on one specific delivery method, remove the data field for Delivery Method from step 7. This way each contact with Email 2 as a delivery method will be returned on one row each.


Download the report just generated from the instructions above and open it in Microsoft Excel. Here, you are then able to apply any appropriate filters.

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