EBS: Regular Expressions (Regex) for the Email Ingestion Premium Feature in Everbridge Suite



This article describes an advanced topic that requires some background in computer programming, and please note that the Technical Support Team cannot assist with the development or troubleshooting of customer code.

For additional information on regular expression (regex), please see the following articles.


Regular expressions for the Everbridge email-ingestion premium feature.


A regular expression (regex) is a formal computer language used for developing advanced search patterns.

Everbridge's email-ingestion feature (located under Settings > Everbridge Open > Email Ingestion) enables the ability to launch Incident Templates automatically and gather Incident Variables by searching within the Subject, Body, or Attachments of incoming emails. These Incident Variables can be identified within the email by specifying the text immediately before and after the variable value using one of the following methods:

  1. Toggling Regular Expression to OFF and using the Text before and Text after fields;
  2. Toggling Regular Expression to ON and entering the search string as a regular expression.
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Regular expressions can also be used to determine the Incident Template contacts from the content of the incoming emails by selecting the override template contact selections option and then specifying where to find the Individuals, Groups, or Rules identified within the email.

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