EBS: How to Initiate a Communication, Notification, Incident or Scenario via Emergency Live Operator (ELO) in Everbridge 360™



How to Initiate a notification, incident or scenario via Emergency Live Operator (ELO) in Everbridge 360™.

Listed here are the steps an emergency live operator agent will follow to initiate a notification, incident, or scenario.
Everbridge emergency live operator calls, on average, take 10 minutes; less if the outgoing message is created in advance.
The emergency live operator service is available 24x7x365.
Global Direct Emergency Live Operator: +1 818-230-9797 U.S. & Canada Toll-Free: 877-220-4911
United Kingdom Toll-Free: 0800-0988-273 Germany Toll-Free: 0800-181-9027
France Toll-Free: 0-805-08-06-13 Spain Toll-Free: 900-83-88-75


When initiating an emergency live operator call, the agent will require the following information from the user:

    1. Username
    2. The correct answer to your security question.
      NOTE: You will never be asked for your password. Your security question and answer can be accessed and updated via the manager portal: click on your username from the upper right, then select Change Security Question
    3. The organization and role that you would like to send the message from. 
    4. If sending an incident, scenario, or notification template, the title of the template or Scenario.  
    5. When creating a new notification, the following information will need to be provided: The title of the message The body of the message The type of message (standard, polling, or conference bridge) The names of the groups and/or individual contacts to send the message to.  If confirmation should be set to yes or no. 

Before calling the emergency line, please make sure you have the information ready. When you call, speak loudly and clearly so the operator can understand you.


Below is the script used by our Technical Support team, this is what is expected during an emergency live operator call.

  • “Emergency live operator, what is your username?” - The agent will identify you by username or first name and last name.
  • “Can I have a callback number in case our call is disconnected?”
  • “For authentication purposes, please can I have the answer to your security question?” - To be granted access to send communications, you must provide the correct security question answer. The agent will read the question to you.
  • “Please confirm the name of the organization to send the message from” - If multiple organizations are available to the user, specify the organization to be used.
  • “Please confirm the role that you wish to send the message from” - If multiple roles are available to the user, specify the role to send the message from.
  • “Are we sending a Communication, Notification, Incident, or scenario?"


    • "Can you confirm the type of Event you would like to send?”
    • "Are we choosing no template, or is there a specific template?" - A template can be sent immediately or a no template will prompt the agent to proceed with a new notification created via the communications workflow.


    • "Are we sending a new notification or a template?" - When sending a notification template, the notification can be sent right away.  Otherwise, a new notification can be created with the agent.


      • "Can I have the title of the Template." "Does any of the settings or text need to be updated?" - If nothing is required to be updated in the template, the agent will ask if you wish to send the template now or schedule for later.

New Notification

      • "Is there an imminent threat to life?" - Imminent threat to life should only be used when there is a threat of loss of life.
      • "Will this be a high-priority message?" - High-priority messages are given priority in your delivery queue and are flagged in the recipients' inbox.
      • "Can I have the title of the message that you wish to send?"  "Can I have the body of the message that you wish to send?" - The agent will always read the title and the body of the message back and may confirm capitalization and spellings.
      • "Would you like to send a standard, polling, or conference bridge?" - The agent will need to confirm the polling answers or bridge that you wish to launch. 
      • "Can you confirm the names of the groups and/or individual contacts and/or rules to whom you wish to send the message?" - If sending to a group or rule, the agent will confirm the number of contacts to ensure the amount is correct. 
      • "Would you like your members to confirm receipt of the message?" -  You have the option to have your message delivered to devices with or without confirmation request.
      • "Are you happy to proceed with the default delivery methods, or would you like to change these?" - The agent will identify the message delivery methods available (home phone, cell phone, email, etc.) and ask to confirm which delivery methods should be included.
      • “Please confirm if you are happy to proceed with the default settings, alternatively would you like me to change any of the settings?" - The agent can update any of the default notification settings with you, such as the broadcast duration, the number of message cycles, etc.
      • "Would you like this message now or schedule for later?" - The agent will confirm the message and title before asking if you would like to send or schedule the notification. Once sent the broadcast ID number will be provided and a copy of the details emailed to you. 


    • "Can you confirm the title of the incident template?"  
    • "There are some available variables to be selected, please confirm the following" - If any variables are available to be edited before clicking next, the agent will confirm these with you.
      • Not all incident templates have permission for the notification to be changed before it is sent.
      • If the Incident template cannot be changed, the agent will confirm before sending it.
      • If the template can be changed, the agent will confirm the default details, and ask if anything requires changing. 
    • "Would you like this message now or schedule for later?" - The agent will confirm the entire message before asking if you would like to send or schedule the notification and provide the message broadcast ID number for tracking purposes and follow up with an email.


    • "Can I have the title of the scenario"
    • "There are some available variables to be selected, please can you confirm the following..." - If any variables are available to be edited before the scenario is sent, the agent will confirm these with you.
    • "To confirm, the variables have been set to  '...'. Are you happy for me to send the scenario? " - Scenarios cannot be edited before being sent or scheduled for later. Once the scenario has been sent, the agent will confirm the message broadcast ID(s) with you and follow up with an email. 



As a security precaution, the emergency live operator agent does not have access to passwords and will never ask you to provide your password.  The emergency live operator agent can only initiate, cancel, and check the status of notifications and incidents. 

For authentication purposes, the agent will ask for the answer to the security question. The security question is the same as the password reminder that was created at the time of registration.
The security question and answer can be accessed and updated via the manager portal: click on the user profile from the upper right, then select Change Security Question. Here the answer and question can be viewed.

The emergency live operator service is a top-priority phone queue provided to help you send critical notifications if you cannot access the Everbridge interface directly, and 5 emergency live operator messages are available per year without any additional cost.

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