
How alert times are displayed in Visual Command Center (VCC).


This knowledge article reviews how alert times are displayed for alerts in Visual Command Center.

  • VCC Alerts:

    • Published time is when the event was first published in VCC.
    • Event Start time is when the event started. This can be different that the Published Time since the RIMC or other downstream provider may not know about the event until they are alerted through their sources.
    • VCC Published and Event Start times are displayed in your local time.
  • Alert Details Time Stamps:

    • Event Start: The actual time when the risk event began
    • Reported to VCC: When VCC received the risk event update
    • Created: When the alert was initially created
    • Incident Launched: When the incident related to the alert was initiated
    • Risk Event Information Updated: The most recent update time for the risk event
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  • VCC Alert IC Preview:
    • On the IC preview screen, time is displayed in GMT. If you are in the EST time zone, for example, remember to subtract four hours to convert to EST. In the example below, the VCC Alert Start Time of 2:47:30 PM GMT = 9:47 AM ET.
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  • VCC Excel Reporting:
    • VCC Excel reporting displays time in UTC. There is no time difference between Coordinated Universal Time and (UTC) Greenwich Mean Time (GMT).
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